Board of Trustees Meeting of April 10, 2006

A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held in the Clubhouse on April 10, 2006.  All Board Members and Flag Officers were present with the excused exception of Captain Mike Shannon.  Others present included Captains Ed Jennerich, and John Rogers.

CALL TO ORDER:  A quorum being present, Chairman Stone called the meeting to order at 1900 hours.
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING:  The minutes of the previous meeting of March 13, 2006, were approved as distributed by email.

MEMBERSHIP REPORT:    Captain Ed Jennerich presented applications from Greg Scott, Scott McPhee, and Scott Cameron.  The Board approved all three applications.  There are currently 380 members in the club.

Captain Steve Farber reviewed the budget (ATTACHMENT #1).  Overall, the budget is favorable.  Revenue is approximately $5,000 to the plus, and expenses are approximately $2400 in the negative.  The discrepancies are due primarily to decreased advertising revenue, decreased bar revenue, and early expenses for Opening Day.  All but one of a set of investment bonds held by members has been turned in.

It was noted that excess revenue generated by club cruising events has been retained (for later club purchases)  by some past Fleet Captains and has not been properly accounted for in club books, or returned to club accounts.  Serious concern was expressed by Board members about this practice.  The issue was referred to the Audit Committee.

A review of the balance sheet included a note that $4963 has been transferred to the Junior Boating Program because its status as a 501-C3 organization.  It was also noted that one member has been in arrears for a portion of his initiation fee, and dues, in excess of the time permitted by the Bylaws.  There has been no response to phone calls and/or a certified letter.  It was M/S/C that Captain Arnie Thomson be expelled from the club.

The club currently has $320,000 invested in T-bills and will purchase an additional $20,000 this month.  The goal is ultimately to have $360,000 invested in T-bills.  The Capital Budget was reviewed by Commodore Grimm who indicated that the plasma TV is nearly paid off, the installation of the boom is on budget, and the post and chain project is within budget.

PLANNING AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT:  Board Chairman Gary Stone presented the report in the absence of Committee Chair Ed Hedges.

There was a review of the March 26 Strategic Planning Retreat (aka “brainstorming session”) – see ATTACHMENT #2.  The meeting was well received and considered productive.  The P&F recommended the following regarding major issues addressed:
a.    Young persons and families should be a priority for recruitment into the club. 
b.    There should be no change in the current moorage policy, but a study should be undertaken to determine the feasibility of raising the height of the roof on docks.  In addition, there should be an investigation of potential mechanisms to expand moorage capability.
c.    There was no recommendation regarding potential policies that would encourage members to pay the club if those members did not contribute to the club (ie “work”) in some way.  Such a policy would be difficult to police and/or enforce.
d.    Excess revenues generated by the club should be placed in the Reserve Fund, as opposed to accelerating the paydown of club debt.  This recommendation was based largely on concerns about potential future expenses associated with SR520 renovation.
e.    Methods to acquire and finance additional outstations should be explored.
f.    There was no recommendation regarding hiring of a facilities manager.  The issue was referred to The Bridge.
g.    There should be no change in food services at the club.
h.    There should be more educational offerings at Wednesday meetings of the club.  Hopefully, more spouses could be attracted to these meetings.

BOARD CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  Chairman Stone reported that the insurance policy for trophies held by the club was over budget.  It was recommended that the true value of the trophies be assessed by a knowledgeable local expert.

COMMODORE’S REPORT:  Commodore Grimm reported on the following issues:

A coalition of concerned citizens has appealed the process by which the government issues permits for milfoil treatment.  This could potentially delay the club’s plans for treatment this summer.

Commodore Grimm presented proposed rules for use of the newly-installed hoist, as well as an “Agreement For Use Of Queen City YC Property” (ATTACHMENT #3).  It was M/S/C to adopt these recommendations.

There has been considerable concern voiced by members regarding boats moored at the club which have been neglected.  Commodore Grimm will develop a proposal to encourage and/or mandate that member’s boats are regularly used, maintained, and kept neat.

VICE COMMODORE’S REPORT:   V/C Yates reported the mooring member insurance and State Registration list has been updated.  Notices of noncompliance will be sent.  The list will be posted on the QCYC web site. 

A battery box and charger will be installed next to the hoist.  A work party is scheduled for May 11th to prepare two roofs on Dock 2 for stripping.  Once the roofing material has been removed we will hire a firm to remove the water-saturated particle board.  The cost to re-lay the roofing material will depend on its condition during removal.  The cost could exceed budget, which would require use of contingency funds.  The requirements for fire vents have changed.  Captain Almvig is designing a vent to meet these requirements.

REAR COMMODORE’S REPORT:   R/C McGillin reported vendor’s security access cards are expiring.  A renewal process is being developed.  The elevator lockout project has been completed.  The security hours settings are being reviewed.  Those hosting special functions can contact the office to arrange for special openings.

The Pride of QCYC work day is scheduled from 8AM-12Noon on Saturday April 22nd.  Lunch and dinner will be served.

OLD BUSINESS:  P/C Ewell reported that the Audit Committee will conduct an audit at the end of April and report to the Board in June.

P/C Ewell and Captain Eric Wood reported that old club house tables and chairs which are stored at the Outstation have never been used and recommended that they be discarded.  It was M/S/C that Captain Wood be authorized to dispose of this excess equipment, including an excess freezer.

NEW BUSINESS:    P/C Ewell reported that the Junior Boating Program (JBP) will provide sailing instructions on the 4th of July at the Outstation.  Details for the use of a slip by the JBP are being worked out.  The JBP will be soliciting donations for the acquisition of two additional sailboats during Opening Day.

A presentation regarding the USPS Skipper Saving class was considered for a meeting in June.  A refresher class on use of the Defibrillator machine will be scheduled.


ADJOURNMENT:  The meeting was adjourned at 21:10 hours.

Respectfully submitted,

Bruce F. Cullen, M.D.

Meeting Date
Meeting Type
Board of Trustees