Board of Trustees Meeting of December 8, 2003

A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held in the clubhouse on December 8, 2003. All board members were present with the exception of Chairman Packard, who was away on personal business, and all flag officers, with the exception of R/C Grimm and Secretary Wood. Captain Elbon served as Acting Chairman.

CALL TO ORDER: A quorum being present, the meeting was called to order by Chairman Elbon at 1900 hours.

MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Secretary Almo read the minutes which were approved as corrected.

MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Captain Bressler reported on a member withdrawal which brings the current membership to 366, thirty-four short of our ceiling. He also reported on one new application for membership.

As a further step to attract new members, Captain Bressler outlined a proposed payment option which would provide for a prospective member to pay $775 at the time of making application, and $775 to become due on the first billing cycle following admission to the club. The remaining membership fee would be subject to existing payment terms. A motion was made to accept this proposal and passed unanimously.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Farber reported that 6 members have not paid their dues. The names of these individuals are filed with the original of these minutes. A discussion followed on procedures to be employed to induce payment. At the conclusion of the discussion, Chairman Elbon directed Treasurer Farber to send suspension letters to these individuals stating that they are now subject to expulsion.

Treasurer Farber presented financial statements for the period October through November 2003 which were in a revised format. The new format should facilitate ease of use making them more beneficial. Treasurer Farber was commended for his fine efforts to date. A copy of these statements is filed with the original of these minutes.

Treasurer Farber further reported that a work party will be needed for stuffing annuals, membership cards and calendars in preparation for mailing.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT REVIEW: Captain Stone reported that he has had certain discussions with Chairman Packard on the scope of his review work. Initially, his work will be limited to reviewing reconciliations between club books and bank statements.

BOARD CHAIRMAN REPORT: Chairman Elbon had no report, but requested Captain Dawson report on moorage compliance. Captain Dawson reported that presently, 4 moorage members are not in compliance with insurance and registration requirements. He recommended that no action be taken at this time, and he will continue his efforts. However, if this issue is not resolved by the next board meeting, he will request a letter from the board which prescribes loss of moorage if not in compliance within so many days. The number of moorage members not in compliance represents a scant 1.7%. Captain Dawson was commended for his outstanding work on this problem. His schedule of delinquent members is filed with the original of these minutes.

COMMODORE’S REPORT: Commodore Anhalt reported that Captain Howard Steepy had his moorage terminated because it had been vacant for nine months. He also reported that Carolyn Rolstad is temporarily handling Ship Stores.

Commodore Anhalt further gave a situation report on the SR-520 project. He suggested allowing local community groups to use our facility to meet at our clubhouse as it relates to this project. Additionally, Captain McGillin, an attorney for the city, is currently advising the club on procedures the club should pursue to protect the club assets.

The SR-520 Committee requested seed money to engage a land use attorney and obtain a formal appraisal on the club property. They requested $5,000 which has approval from the Planning and Finance Committee. A formal motion was made to commit this money, which was unanimously approved.

VICE COMMODORE’S REPORT: V/C McCroskey outlined three goals which he briefly reported on.

  • Increasing member participation. Several models are being looked at, such as, work or pay, script, or a blending of various models.
  • Rules covering storage boats.
  • Rules for extended stay boaters.

V/C McCroskey will be emailing everyone to solicit their input.

REAR COMMODORE’S REPORT: In R/C Grimm’s absence, Captain Geving reported on club security. He stated that there is no handle on who has keys to the facility. He recommended a card access system to replace the present system. The card access has many advantages which would greatly enhance security measures. It would require installation of new gates on the docks. Captain Geving estimated that procuring this system would cost approximately $35,000.


AAC COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN: P/C Krows reported that Commodore Anhalt is going to make a nomination for this position. Present plan is to talk to P/C Lengtis about doing it again this year.

Commodore Anhalt will make a recommendation for moorage rule changes at the next meeting.

DOCK ELECTRICAL UPGRADE: Captain Mauldin has met with a contractor who is working up an estimate for this work. However, a preliminary estimate of $300,000 has been given to the Planning and Finance Committee. A target construction date is 2005.

Captain Klein inquired on how the installation of the new pilings at the Eagle Harbor outstation was progressing. Commodore Anhalt stated that he had numerous contacts with the permitting agencies and that the permits should be forthcoming soon.

Captain Zuvich reported on the slippery docks.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 2054 hours.

Respectfully submitted,

Leonard Almo

Meeting Date
Meeting Type
Board of Trustees