Board of Trustees Meeting of January 10, 2005

A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held in the Clubhouse on January 10, 2005. All Board Members and Flag Officers were present.

CALL TO ORDER: A quorum being present, Chairman Elbon called the meeting to order at 1900 hours.

MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Secretary Richdale read the minutes of the December 13, 2004 Board meeting and the minutes were approved as read.

MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Captain Bressler reported we are 33 members short of a full compliment.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Captain Farber reported on the financial condition of the Club as contained in Ex. A attached. At the request of Captain Farber, upon motion, seconded and carried the Board authorized the Treasurer to change investments to obtain a higher interest rate on deposits.

Captain Allan Jones passed away leaving $2,000.00 in bonds to be redeemed. Captain Robert Henrikson has not responded to notice of default. Upon motion, seconded and carried the Board ordered that the Chairman issue a letter notifying Captain Henrikson of his expulsion..

Captain Jim Gregg was reported to be in financial hardship condition. Upon motion seconded and carried it was resolved to waive the $1000 debt and allow him to withdraw his membership.

The attorney for the Estate of Richard Ryen will be contacted by Secretary Richdale to encourage immediate payment of the moorage balance due.

PLANNING AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT: Captain Bob Gunderson had no report.

BOARD CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: Captain Art Mauldin reported on the current state of the inspection process. The examination is complete on 17 of 36 piers. The need to replace caps and installation of draft stops and the priority thereof were discussed. Art projects the urgent need for replacement of 24 caps at approximately $3000 per cap. There is an urgent need for changing the rings attached to the vertical roof supports to cleats on the dock to protect the structural integrity and for ease of casting off a vessel on fire. Upon motion seconded and carried the Board authorized the expenditure of up to $100,000 for necessary repairs subject to the oversight and control of the Bridge as to amounts spent and the scope of repairs.

COMMODORE’S REPORT: Commodore McCroskey reported: The New Years Eve party was a great success attended by approximately 80 members. The officer’s cruise is upcoming.

VICE COMMODORE’S REPORT: V/C Grimm reported: The Seattle Fire Department’s proposals of sprinklers and alternately provided roof vents and fire curtains is not practical. The effort to negotiate for alternative means for fire safety will go forward in an environment with political considerations. Pond weeds are under study and a plan for treatment will be presented for application this spring.

REAR COMMODORE’S REPORT: R/C Bob Yates reported: V/C Grimm has signed a contract with Argen Safe Co. for the installation of the new security system. The price totals approximately $30,000 for Seattle and the Winslow out station as well. The hillside grounds clean up cost is approximately $2000. The plan is to spray the blackberry bushes.

OLD BUSINESS: Captain Mauldin suggests a new position be created by the Bridge to be responsible for the dock renovation needs. There is a problem with rats on the dock. Exterminators are on site monthly for the routine preventative measures. Traps are being set regularly.

V/C Grimm proposed a change in the language of the Moorage Rules, and upon motion seconded and carried the Board authorized a change in the language to provide that 39 foot slips shall have no minimum boat length requirement.

Captain Stone submitted his letter of 10/4/04 as Ex. B attached for Trophy coverage. He will get quotes for $50,000 and $75,000.

NEW BUSINESS: The Board requests that Secretary Richdale proceed to draft By-Laws for the Jr. Boat Club.


ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at approximately 2050 hours.

Respectfully submitted,

David A. Richdale

Meeting Date
Meeting Type
Board of Trustees