Board of Trustees Meeting of January 9, 2006

A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held in the Clubhouse on January 9, 2006.  All Board members and Flag Officers were in attendance with the excused exception of R/C Bill McGillin.  Others present included P/C Daryl Anhalt and Captains Ed Jennerich and Ed Hedges.

CALL TO ORDER:  A quorum being present, Chairman Stone called the meeting to order at 1900 hours.

MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING:  The minutes of the previous meeting of 12 December 2005 were approved as submitted by email.

MEMBERSHIP REPORT:  Captain Ed Jennerich reported that Robert Beckman is a new applicant for membership.  His application was reviewed and approved.  This will bring the total to 373 active members and 27 vacancies.  One member is in arrears for payment of the application fee and dues.  It was M/S/C that this member be permitted to delay payment for an additional one month.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Treasurer Farber reported that there are a few categories in the club’s financial transactions where cash is handled and there is potential exposure for loss or theft of funds.  Examples include the bar, club rental income, and cash donations.  Captain Okamoto recommended the club pursue an independent audit of finances.  Extensive discussion of this topic ensued.  It was M/S/C that Commodore Grimm and the Bridge institute a review of the policies and procedures relating to cash management for the bar, ship stores, and other operations involving cash payments.  Furthermore, other yacht clubs should be consulted with regard to their mechanisms for cash management.  Commodore Grimm was instructed to report back to the Board with recommendations.

Treasurer Farber reviewed the October-December 2005 Income and Expenses report (ATTACHMENT #1).  Overall, the club is within budget and is doing well.  He did note that income from advertising in the Bilge Pump was down, but that Roger Coursen may get more ads later..

Commodore Grimm addressed the Capital Budget.  In general, there are no major issues and most items are within budget.  However, due to urgent needs for dock maintenance and repair, he recommended that the line item for repair of piling caps be increased now by $11,000.  It was M/S/C to approve this request.

PLANNING AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT:  Captain Ed Hedges said his committee supports and recommends appointment of a committee to oversee rental of club facilities.  His committee also recommended increasing the allocation for piling cap repair in the docks capital fund by $6140 (ATTACHMENT #2)  This recommendation was formulated before the committee was aware of the Commodore’s request for an additional $11,000 as noted above.

The P&F Committee considered the possibility of going to a “cashless” system within the club.  They opined that there would be too much bookkeeping associated with this change and that it would add too much work for the Treasurer.  Instead, it was recommended that there be better accounting by committees.

BOARD CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  Chairman Stone stated he is continuing to review the Director & Officers, and Employment Practices, insurance policy needs.  A decision must be made before the D&O policy expires in April.

Hiring of a new office employee is underway.  The highest priority function this individual should undertake is bookkeeping.  A few candidates have already applied for the position and an employment agency will be utilized to screen and provide other candidates.

COMMODORE’S REPORT:  Commodore Grimm noted the recent resignation of the Office Manager.  Hiring of a replacement is a high priority.

Millfoil continues to be a major problem.  A joint letter with Seattle Yacht Club has been sent to the State Department of Ecology requesting permission to use chemicals as treatment.  A hearing will be held and club members are asked to come and testify.

The budget includes $35,000 for fire prevention and containment improvements to the docks.  Approximately half of the necessary vents will be constructed this year.

VICE COMMODORE’S REPORT:  V/C Yates reported that the vendor has completed the first stage of the piling cap and dock repairs.  The total expense was slightly over budget due to some last minute necessary items that needed attention.  The downspouts have been repaired within budget.

Utilization of the weekend food service has been minimal and the caterer is losing money.  After lengthy discussion, the Board recommended that the Commodore and Bridge consider termination of weekend food service except for special occasions, such as the First of the Season predicted log race, and Opening Day.


OLD BUSINESS:It was agreed that we should move forward on appointment of a club facility rental committee.

P/C Ewell has formulated a list of all trophies in the clubhouse.  The estimated value for QCYC trophies is approximately $30,000.  Board Chairman Stone will follow-up with regard to the possible need to increase our insurance coverage.

Captain Cullen proposed that the reciprocal docks be moved closer to shore to allow mooring members to occupy these prime slips.  After discussion and consideration of the proposal by the Bridge and the Board, it was agreed not to make any changes in reciprocal slip assignment at this time.

Captain Hedges requested clarification of the policy that mandates a mooring member must occupy his slip for a minimum of six months.  This could present a problem for some members who have moorage at more than one facility.  There is also a question as to whether being away from one’s slip cruising, is the same as “occupying” a slip.  This issue was referred to the Commodore and the Moorage Committee.

NEW BUSINESS:  In years past it was routine to hold a formal, new member orientation event on a weekend at which time new members would be welcomed into the club and given valuable information about the club.  This was considered desirable by people who have conducted the session in the past, and by members who participated in the event.  The Board felt that consideration should be given to reinstituting these orientation sessions and directed the Commodore and Membership Committee to come forth with a recommendation.


ADJOURNMENT:  The meeting was adjourned at approximately 2100 hours.

Respectfully submitted,

Bruce F. Cullen, MD


Meeting Date
Meeting Type
Board of Trustees