Board of Trustees Meeting of June 12, 2006

A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held in the Clubhouse on June 12, 2006.  All Board Members and Flag Officers were present with the excused exception of R/C Bill McGillin.  Others present included Captains Al Reiche, Jess Hill, Ed Hedges, Ed Jennerich, John Rogers, and P/C Dean Lentgis.

CALL TO ORDER:  A quorum being present, Chairman Stone called the meeting to order at 1900 hours.
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING:  The minutes of the previous meeting of May 8, 2006, were approved as distributed by email.

MEMBERSHIP REPORT:    Captain Ed Jennerich reported that there are currently 381 members in the club.  Applications from Jeff Madera and Aaron Baldie were presented and approved.  Thus far this year, there have been 26 new members, which is close to the goal of 30.


Captain Farber submitted the monthly financial statement (ATTACHMENT #1).  Overall, club finances are favorable with revenue approximately 1.5% over budget. There were no significant or unexpected variances from budget. We currently have $350,000 invested in treasury bills.  Commodore Grimm reported that the Capital budget is on target and basically unchanged from last month. 

PLANNING AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT:   Captain Hedges presented his committee’s report (ATTACHMENT #2).  The committee unanimously recommended that the Audit Committee become a Standing Committee, which would require a change in the By-Laws.  The committee also recommended that the positions of Club Manager and Bar Manager be defined.  Lastly, the committee has begun to explore mechanisms to increase club revenues.  It is anticipated that the demand for revenue will increase significantly in the future due to construction of SR-520 (docks may be lost temporarily or permanently, additional slips may need to be purchased or leased, legal expenses, etc.), milfoil treatment (and associated legal fees) will likely become more expensive, and the docks will require painting, electrical upgrades, and continuing repair.  An increase in moorage rates may be required.  The P&F committee will continue to address these issues at its next meeting.

Finally, the committee unanimously recommended that if/when the club hires a new employee (e.g. caretaker) that the person be hired on a contract basis.  V/C Yates is chairing an ad hoc committee to consider hiring of a club employee and will prepare a job description for that employee.  Captain Jess Hill presented a petition signed by 46 club members advocating that the club hire a facilities manager.  Lengthy discussion followed regarding the possible role of a new club employee.  There was also confusion regarding terminology, such as club manager, house manager, facilities manager and bar manager.  The issue is important and somewhat urgent, since funds for a new employee should be a part of next year’s budget.  A special summer meeting of the Board and P&F committee may be required.

BOARD CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  The following issues were addressed:

Audit Committee:  P/C Jeff Ewell reported that the Audit Committee has developed drafts of two proposals for review of club policies and procedures regarding finances, as well as procedures for audits. (ATTACHMENT #3)  One proposal concerns the large majority of financial transactions which are in the purview of the Treasurer.  The second proposal concerns items such as the bar and ship stores, which are in the purview of the Bridge.  Detailed discussion and review of these proposals was deferred until the next meeting of the Board.  P/C Ewell also reported that members of his committee have undertaken an analysis of transactions occurring in the past year, which are in the purview of the Treasurer, and found “nothing that was out of line”.  A report regarding transactions involving ship’s stores and the bar has not yet been submitted.

Junior Boating Program:  Chairman Stone reported that instructors are being hired.  There have been relatively few applicants for the program.  The program starts June 26th.

COMMODORE’S REPORT:  Commodore Scott Grimm reported that treatment of milfoil is underway and should be completed soon.  Also, the expense for treatment may be under budget.

VICE COMMODORE’S REPORT:   V/C Bob Yates reported that the fire retrofitting plan (aka fire vents) has not yet been approved by the Seattle Fire Department.  He also reported that some defective areas on dock 3 have been found and repaired.


OLD BUSINESS:  Chairman Stone reported that a clubhouse rental policies and procedure document has been developed.  A discussion of this policy, and fees for rental of the clubhouse, was deferred.

NEW BUSINESS:   P/C Ewell remarked that since the Power Squadron now holds its meetings at QCYC that club members should be made aware of this and take advantage of the educational opportunities provided. 


ADJOURNMENT:  The meeting was adjourned at 20:46 hours.  The next meeting of the Board will be Monday, September 11, 2006.

Respectfully submitted,

Bruce F. Cullen, M.D.

Meeting Date
Meeting Type
Board of Trustees