Board of Trustees Meeting of May 14, 2007

A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held in the Clubhouse on May 14th, 2007. All Board Members and Flag Officers present included Commodore Yates, V/C McGillin, R/C Roberts, Steve Farber sat in for Treasurer John Rogers, (etc.). Absent were P/C Grimm and Bruce Cullen.

CALL TO ORDER: With a quorum present, Chairman Ewell called the meeting to order at 1900 hours.

MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as written.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Captain Steve Farber reports that spending is still over budget by $17,000 as we are currently down by 38 members. However, we should be in great shape due to over budgeting of the 520 project. At this point, there are still 9 members with overdue annual dues. Two advertisers still owe their advertising fees. On the upside, we have three new members coming in at the May 23rd meeting.

MEMBERSHIP REPORT: R/C Roberts reports that there will be three new members coming in on May 23rd. Their names are Robert Lundquist, Mike Gleason, and Gerald Fey.

PLANNING AND FINANCE: Captain Bob Gunderson reports the our current insurance company, Don Filer Insurance, is dealing with illness. The P&F committee recommends a change to Dave Carlson Insurance Company based on better and more personal coverage in order to look out for the club needs. This was voted and approved.

BOARD CHAIRMAN REPORT: Chairman Ewell reports the reserve study was completed on 4/30/07. The P&F will now make recommendations on future capital expenditures such as electrical projects, Winslow docks, etc. Chairman Ewell also recommended to the dock committee to look into new fire hoses.

COMMODORE’S REPORT: Commodore Yates reported that Opening Day revenue was down this year, but overall activities and turnout were successful. He reported that the elevators have been painted, and we are still working on replacing the canvas outside. A few more adjustments need to be made to the outside Boyer sign lighting. The tile projects is currently on hold.

VICE COMMODORE’S REPORT: Vice Commodore McGillin reported that the Marina Best Practices Committee would like to move forward to a rule change. There will be a printed copy sent out to each member annually. The proposed rule change #4 was voted and approved. Changes to rules #11.08 and 3.10 were tabled. The Club will have a temp for Andrea for 25 days this summer.

REAR COMMODORE’S REPORT: Rear Commodore Roberts reported that the QCYC clean up party at the clubhouse was a huge success with 113 members, spouses, and family participated. There was a small security issue that is being looked into.

OLD BUSINESS: Someone reported that the milfoil treatment has been applied. Capt. Stone reported the 520 project may not start for another five to eight years, but employing attorneys now would be advised. The board voted and approved up to $4,000 to be used for legal fees through the summer. Capt. Okamoto reported that the audit committee’s audit report should be ready by June.



NEXT BOARD MEETING: June 11th, 2007

ADJOURNMENT: @ 2119 hours.

Respectfully submitted,
Scott W. Smith, IV

Meeting Date
Meeting Type
Board of Trustees