Board of Trustees Meeting of May 8, 2006

A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held in the Clubhouse on May 8, 2006.  All Board Members and Flag Officers were present with the excused exception of Captains David Richdale and Mike Shannon, plus R/C Bill McGillin.  Others present included Captains Ed Hedges, Ed Jennerich, Bob Gunderson, John Rogers and Jim Bailey.

CALL TO ORDER:  A quorum being present, Chairman Stone called the meeting to order at 1900 hours.
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING:  The minutes of the previous meeting of April 10, 2006, were approved as distributed by email.

MEMBERSHIP REPORT:    Captain Ed Jennerich reported that there are currently 373 members in the club.  Applications from Judith Pippin, Steve Linse, and Geoffrey Stewart were presented.  It was M/S/C that these applications be approved contingent upon a reading of the applications at a general meeting, and attendance by the applicants at a general meeting.

As a follow-up to discussions at the club special retreat held in March, Chairman Stone asked that the Membership Committee expedite development of a proposal for establishment of a category of junior membership.


Captain Steve Farber stated that we currently have $340,000 invested in Treasury bills and that this amount will be increased to $360,000 by the end of June.  He also reported that 21 mooring members are delinquent in paying their fees for greater than the 45 day permissible period.  The standard protocol for this occurrence will be put into effect.

Captain Farber submitted the monthly financial statement (ATTACHMENT #1).  Overall, the budget is favorable.  Significant variances from budget were readily explained.  The income from Opening Day was greater than anticipated and has been helpful in offsetting deficits.


BOARD CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  The following issues were addressed:

Audit Committee:  Chairman Gary Stone reported that the Audit Committee is in the process of  addressing the issue of cash balances being retained in the hands of individual club members (usually committee chairs).  P/C Jeff Ewell stated that his committee will have a proposal to present to the Board next month.

Office Staffing: The current arrangement with a part-time contract employee in the office is working well.  Considerable discussion ensued as to whether we should continue to staff the office with contract employees, or hire staff permanently.  The issue was referred to the Bridge.

Facilities Manager:  Several members present at the club retreat favored hiring a permanent facilities manager.  Others were non-supportive.  There appears to be no formal job description for such an individual and it was unclear what this person’s duties would be.  The issue was referred to the Bridge.

Outstation Expansion:  There was support at the club retreat for increasing the number of QCYC outstations.  The Planning and Finance Committee has addressed this issue in the past and will continue to do so.  The Board encourages further discussion of this issue.

Format of the General Meeting:  There was support at the retreat to change the format of the Wednesday general meetings such that they would be of greater interest to more club members, and to member spouses.  The issue was referred to the Bridge.

Insurance Policy Renewal:  It is time to renew the club insurance policy.  Some items may no longer require coverage, and new items may need to be added.  Chairman Gary Stone graciously volunteered to oversee this process.

COMMODORE’S REPORT:  Commodore Scott Grimm reported on the following:

Milfoil:  An environmental group is actively trying to prevent the Department of Ecology from issuing permits for chemical treatment of milfoil.  A temporary restraining order was denied.  Consequently, the first treatment of milfoil at QCYC will take place on May 9th.  Nevertheless, we and the other yacht clubs affected by this problem (SYC and MBYC) must continue to monitor this problem because efforts to stop chemical treatment will not cease.  To date, our attorney fees in this regard are within budget.

Opening Day:  Commodore Scott Grimm reported that Opening Day was a “tremendous success”.  The net income for the event was in excess of $2100.

Funds held by Committee Chairs:  Commodore Grimm has notified Committee Chairs that they are not to retain excess cash generated by events sponsored by committees.  Rather, all funds should be return to the club treasurer.  The Audit Committee is preparing a definitive proposal to deal with this issue.

Patio renovation:  The patio renovation project is moving forward.  Designs have been submitted.  It will be funded by donations used to “purchase” commemorative tiles.

VICE COMMODORE’S REPORT:   V/C Bob Yates reported on the following:

Docks:  Captain Ron Hilden has volunteered to take charge of the fire vent project.  V/C Yates will be putting increased pressure for action on mooring members who do not clean, properly maintain, or use their boats at regular intervals.  The Board supports this move.

Junior Officer Ball:  The J.O. Ball was very successful.



NEW BUSINESS:   Treasurer Steve Farber notified the Board that Evergreen Bank will likely begin to increase the fee for the club’s checking account.  Treasurer Farber will explore the possibility of transferring our account to another bank, and will report back to the Board.

People had difficulty accessing the club from the street due to the absence of a walkway around the gate.  V/C Yates will follow-up to remedy the problem.


ADJOURNMENT:  The meeting was adjourned at 21:00 hours.

Respectfully submitted,

Bruce F. Cullen, M.D.

Meeting Date
Meeting Type
Board of Trustees