Board of Trustees Meeting of May 9, 2005

A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held in the Clubhouse on May 9, 2005. All Board Members and Flag Officers were present. Also present were Captains Bill Bressler, Ed Jennerich, Art Mauldin, Bob Gunderson, Ed Hedges and Steve Farber.

CALL TO ORDER: A quorum being present, Chairman Elbon called the meeting to order at 1900 hours.

MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Upon motion seconded and passed the minutes of the meeting of April 11, 2005 were approved without reading as submitted by email to the Bridge and Trustees of the Board .

MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Captain Bill Bressler reported that 5 new applications for membership submitted and received Board approval: Craig Ranta, David Armstrong, Larry Meyers, Eric Tregoning and Tom Waugh. Two more applications are expected next week.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Captain Steve Farber, Treasurer, submitted a preliminary version of the financial report which will be followed by a final version of the report. The Club has paid the rent and deposit for the Ganges outsation. A capital budget tracking as contained in Exhibit A was submitted.

PLANNING AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT: Captain Bob Gunderson stated that no report will be made until the next meeting in the fall of 2005.

BOARD CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: Chairman Elbon did not submit a report.

COMMODORE’S REPORT: Commodore Rich McCroskey reported upon a very successful Opening Day. Over 1000 meals were served at the Club. Captain DaleRoberts and wife Susie are due the thanks and commendation of the Club. The estimated profit on the food was approximately $1500 plus the bar revenue estimated at $6000. The Ganges station rails have been painted and signs have been ordered to designate the Club dock space.

VICE COMMODORE’S REPORT: V/C Scott Grimm reported that the development of the 520 expansion should be slow for the next 2 years and the bidding process should be 4 to 5 years in the future. Evergreen sanitation cleaned the grease traps which were overflowing. An enzyme will be installed.

REAR COMMODORE’S REPORT: R/C BobYates reported that the security system is operational. Vendors who work on member’s boats will be required to leave their drivers license to obtain a pass key which is returned upon returning the key.

OLD BUSINESS: Captain Art Mauldin reported on the status of the dock repairs. Bids from Diamond Roofing will be submitted for the roof removal as needed. Many stringers on Dock 3 were found to infested and weakened by termites and had to be replaced. The roof pooling is caused by the deteriation of the caps. Raising the roofs 18" is under study.

NEW BUSINESS: Captain Ed Jennerich submitted a sample invoice to show a subtotal before the RBAW optional dues and suggests that the dues for RBAW be paid directly to the Club instead of to RBAW. Exhibit B is attached pertaining to the subject.

Captain Steve Farber expressed his concern of the issues that surround identity theft. Club records contain financial data for the members e.g. credit card numbers, SS numbers for bond holders. He suggests that the Club have a policy preventing disclosure of such information to persons outside the Club. Chairman Elbon requests that Captain Farber email a suggested policy statement to the Board for consideration. Captain Farber will refer requests for the private information of members to the Board for action.

Secretary Richdale was asked to draft a holdharmless letter to hold harmless the professional business of the members who perform professional services for the Club gratis. The conclusion of the By Laws for the Queen City Junior Yacht awaits the appointment of the final two positions of the Board of Trustees.

A discussion of the refinancing of the bond holder terms was had. Further consideration will be given after the consideration of the issues by the Finance and Planning Committee.

MEMBERS COMMENTS: Captain Bressler commented on the fact that the Power Squadron pays $150 per meeting at Puget Sound Yacht Club. Bill Field will investigate the matter.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at approximately 2040 hours.

Respectfully submitted,

David A. Richdale

Meeting Date
Meeting Type
Board of Trustees