Board of Trustees Meeting of Nov. 7th, 2006

A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held in the Clubhouse on Nov. 7th, 2006. All Board Members and Flag Officers present included P/C Grimm, Commodore Yates, V/C McGillin, R/C Roberts, Treasurer Captain Roberts, (etc.)

CALL TO ORDER: With a quorum present, Chairman Ewell called the meeting to order at 1904 hours.

MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Minutes of the previous meeting were not read due to numerous agenda items, but were approved as written and emailed to all members.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Capt. Rogers reports the final transfer of income for the 2005-2006 year is complete. The 2005-2006 statements were approved. As of Nov. 7, 84 members have not paid this year’s dues. Currently, two members are unable to make their dues due to hardships and were approved to postpone payment. The board will continue discussion of leniency on members who can’t make their payments due to extenuating circumstances at next month’s meeting. The board approved the two members to delay payment without penalty. Bob Yates agreed to have the name plate made for Ed Erickson who has recently passed away for his memorial fund donation. Capt. Rogers also reported that the bonds drawn for retirement are being paid as received.

MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Captain Mark LaFountaine presented three new prospective member applications and the board approved them to be brought in at the next membership meeting on Nov. 22nd.

PLANNING AND FINANCE: Captain Bob Gundersen reports three recommendations from planning and finance. The first recommendations was a $4500 for a survey of the in-station facility for recommendations for improvements to the building, docks, and grounds over the next five to ten years financed through the Contingency Fund. The second recommendation was to increase moorage fees for additional income in order to fund attorney’s fees for the defense of the 520 expansion and other 520 project impacts. The third recommendation was based on the Planning and Finance committee identification of future unfunded liabilities in the club’s 5 and 20 year plan for capital expenditures and anticipates that the condition survey will identify additional capital needs. The committee also noted that we have not raised dues in 5 years and therefore recommend to raise the dues $100 per year from $550 to $650 commencing Oct. 2007 renewal.

BOARD CHAIRMAN REPORT: Chairman Ewell brought the three proposals to a vote. The board voted and approved the $4500 for the survey unanimously; they voted and approved the 15% moorage increase unanimously, and approved a straight 15% increase of open and covered moorage rates with a 5/3 vote; they voted and approved to submit to the membership a raise in dues to $650 unanimously.

COMMODORE’S REPORT: Commodore Yates reports that currently we have 383 members, 12 withdrawls, and 4 members moving to life membership. The goal for the memebership committee will be 28 new members. He presented the 2006-2007 budget which was voted and approved. Commodore Yates is working on a web page sign up club calendar to streamline club events to avoid double booking. Capital projects for 2006-2007 include house sump pump automation and lighting of the QCYC sign. Both were approved. V/C McGillin will follow up on the club calendar.

VICE COMMODORE’S REPORT: Vice Commodore McGillin reports the roof projects are on hold until the fire vent projects are completed. Pile caps are on hold until December. Winslow dock repair project will continue to be discussed. Bar manager, Jess Hill, is working to bring the bar up to state standards in order to open the bar up to non-club events.

REAR COMMODORE’S REPORT: Rear Commodore Roberts reports the junior boating program would like a dock box and an additional rack for more boats, as well as possibly a slip to stage boats. These items were referred to the bridge for resolution. R/C Roberts reports Bob Yates is still working on the reimbursement check for the security gate repair.

PAST COMMODORE’S REPORT: P/C Grimm reports that Capt. Gary Stone and the 520 committee met with the WSDOT to discuss the project impacts. Chairman Gary Stone was called upon to give a report on the 520 project and noted that the club had filed written comments with the WSDOT and was planning a follow up meeting to discuss those comments. He also reported that the 520 committee will meet on 11/15/06 at 1900 hours to discuss the identification of the mitigation needs. P/C Grimm reports the permit to apply the product in the spring to maintain milfoil was approved for the next four years. The dock painting project is complete and Scott is looking into the cost of new numbers on the lockers.

OLD BUSINESS: Capt. Gary Stone reports the insurance renewal should cost the same as last year. P/C Grimm continues to work on the Port Gamble outstation option.

NEW BUSINESS: Treasurer John Rogers reports that Michelle is going to assist him as much as possible doing year end wrap up. Tax returns done by Lewis Titland were approved for next year. Discussion continues on the junior boating insurance to be paid out of their own funds, rather than club funds. Chairman Jeff Ewell and Power Squadron are presenting classes at the club on various topics and Capt. Stone suggested that they could include good stewardship of Portage Bay. Chairman Ewell has also reported that he has asked VC McGillin to prepare a new house rental fee proposal to present to the board.


NEXT BOARD MEETING: Dec. 11th , 2006 @ 1900 hours.

ADJOURNMENT: @ 2150 hours.

Respectfully submitted,
Scott W. Smith, IV

Meeting Date
Meeting Type
Board of Trustees