Board of Trustees Meeting of November 10, 2003

A regular meeting of the Queen City Yacht Club was held in the clubhouse on November 10, 2003. All board members, flag officers, and required committee captains were present withthe exception of Captain Elbon, who was excused by Chairman Packard.

CALL TO ORDER: A quorum being present, the meeting was called to order by Chairman Packard at 1900 hours.

MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Secretary Almo read the minutes which were approved as read.

MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Captain Bressler reported that the current membership, adjusted for 8 withdrawals and 5 new members - stands at 367, thirty-three short of our ceiling.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Farber reported that 183 bond/interest checks had been processed. He also reported that there are 75 members who are not in compliance with the moorage rules requiring proof of current insurance coverage and licensing of boats moored at the club docks. Captain Dawson is contacting members who have failed to comply. Captain Morrice is verifying the length of boats moored at the club. Dependent on the outcome, there could be an opportunity for additional moorage revenues.

Treasurer Farber also reviewed the financial statements for the fiscal year ending 9-30-03 and the stub period 10-1-03 to 11-10-03. During the discussion of revenues, the subject of late payment fees was introduced by Commodore Anhalt. Chairman Packard asked the question of who should be responsible for deciding on collection procedures. Following a short discussion, Chairman Packard left it to the Bridge to handle this matter.

BOARD CHAIRMAN REPORT: Chairman Packard had no report.

COMMODORE’S REPORT: Commodore Anhalt reported that he is addressing an advertising revenue shortfall. Possible remedies include a more aggressive sales campaign. The new office person, Candace Child is on board and getting familiar with her duties. Fran Farber has now relinquished her responsibilities.

VICE COMMODORE’S REPORT: V/C McCroskey reported on a sensitive matter involving a prominent captain in the club. Briefly, the subject captain exhibited conduct that was deemed inappropriate. Two events were documented where aggressive demeanor and verbal abuse were displayed by this captain. It was requested that the captain’s identity be kept confidential, that is, limited to board members only, and that an appropriate memorandum be made a part of his club file. A copy of V/C McCroskey’s memorandum will be made a permanent part of these minutes. Chairman Packard requested that V/C McCroskey make contact with the captain to let him know of the board’s awareness of this matter and concern for his future conduct as it relates to acceptable club conduct. No other action was deemed necessary at this time.

REAR COMMODORE’S REPORT: R/C Grimm reported that 20 members showed up for the November 8, 2003 grounds party. On security, he reported that the gate will be closed at 2000 hours in the future and not the 1800 hours that had been previously discussed. R/C Grimm also reported that he is working with an attorney to explore the possibility of dividing the Eagle Harbor Outstation property such that the club would reduce the amount of associated property fees paid annually.


Appointment of new AAC Committee Chairman – P/C Krows tabled the matter until the next meeting.

SR 520 Report – Captain Butler presented an analysis of the impact of the bridge construction project. At a minimum, Dock 3 will be demolished during the construction process. There is a great urgency to put together a coherent, comprehensive plan that fully demonstrates the financial impact of this event to our club. With the time line presented, it appears we have approximately one year to develop a sound strategy and plan. V/C Grimm will present a situation report on this important issue at the next board meeting.

Dock Electrical Upgrade – Captain Mauldin reported that the original plan may have to be upsized. However, he is still in the preliminary stages, and will have a report at the next board meeting.

Review/Adopt Budget for 2003/2004 – Commodore Anhalt reviewed the proposed budget. A motion was made to accept the budget, Schedules 1 through 4 as presented, which was passed unanimously. A copy of the budget is a permanent part of these minutes.


Captain Hedges of the Planning and Finance Committee gave the following presentation.

The committee recommended that because of the volume of work required of the club Treasurer, that the board consider creating a new position of Assistant Treasurer. After discussion. it was decided that Commodore Anhalt will form a search committee to facilitate the recruitment of an Assistant Treasurer.

The committee indicated that they are dissatisfied with the responsiveness of our present CPA firm, and recommended that we hire Lewis Titland, CPA, to prepare our club’s federal tax return. A motion was made to change CPA firms as recommended and passed unanimously.

The committee supports the Membership Recruiting Plan discussed at the last board meeting. The plan calls for spending $2,000 from the Contingency Reserve Fund for certain recruiting incentives.

The committee recommended investing excess funds in short-term financial instruments. However, this should be done with great sensitivity to the mutually beneficial relationship the club has cultivated with American Marine Bank.

The full memorandum presented by Captain Hedges is a part of these minutes.

Chairman Packard requested that the board appoint a board member to independently review the club’s monthly financial statements. Captain Stone volunteered to perform this monthly function and report his findings as appropriate to the board.

Captain Bressler reported that he was concerned about ex-members accessing club assets. Chairman Packard requested that in the future, Captain Wood contact exiting members and request key cards and other such access tools, such as parking stickers and metal keys be returned to the club.

Captain Stone reported on the possible donation of a truck to the club. Discussion on accepting it was postponed.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 2125 hours.

Respectfully submitted,

Leonard Almo

Meeting Date
Meeting Type
Board of Trustees