A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held in the clubhouse on November 12, 2007. Those in attendance included board members Chairman Rich McCroskey, Commodore Bill McGillin, P/C Bob Yates, Dennis Okamoto, Nick Castrow, Scott Smith, Mark Weiss, and John Alving. Also in attendance were R/C Ed Jennerich, Secretary Eric Wood, Treasurer John Rogers, P/C Scott Grim, and Planning and Finance Chairman Ron Dawson.
Chairman P/C McCroskey called the meeting to order at 1900 hours.
Minutes that had been posted by email were approved.
Chairman P/C McCroskey expressed his regrets of the resignation of Captain Bruce Cullen from the Board.
R/C Jennerich on behalf of Membership Chairman LaFountaine reported that the membership forms and the website are being updated in accordance with the recommendation of Membership Committee. There was discussion regarding the current lottery and the value of the payouts to the recruiting members and the new members. It was moved that the issue be tabled and that the Membership Committee come up with specific recommendations for the next Board Meeting.
Five applications were read as follows:
John Conley
Lana McGinnis
Tony Stempak
Arne Svendsen
Ronald Voegeli
The candidateÕs paperwork was in order and approved by the Board.
Captain John Rogers summarized the final budget report for 2006 - 2007.
There are no big changes from last month; income is the same, expenses are up, the net income reported is a net loss of $23,937.65, and committee expenses are up mostly due to Membership. Winslow is much the same. Balance sheet is unchanged from last month, fixed assets and liabilities and equity increased for the year.
Income and expenses shown on a monthly basis will vary from projections due to uneven payouts and receipts.
The bond recall is broken down as follows: $39,000 to deceased or withdrawn members and $11,000 to be determined by a random drawing. $20,000 has been paid out to date.
At this moment there are 58 members who have not paid their dues and/or moorage. The specified due date is Thursday November 15, however because of the Veterans Day holiday payment will be accepted on the 16th without a late charge.
Chairman Ron Dawson presented the 2007-2008 Budget and explained that there is always some risk in the projections they make. This is particularly the case with the membership projections, the dock electrical and the 520 estimates. They use the best available information in these projections. Chairman Dawson also explained the committeeÕs assumptions on dues income, initiation income and committee expenses. The items in ( ) are credits. After discussion on the proposed capital projects, the budget was approved unanimously.
Repayment of the Joe Benyon note and the issues regarding his estate were considered. It was explained that the note needed to be paid off to prevent the Club from incurring any further interest expense and to isolate the Club from any of the legal issues regarding the Benyon estate. With the assurances that this could be done the Board voted unanimously to approve the following motion:
Move that the Club tender payment of unpaid principal and interest to the Estate of Joe Benyon or as directed by a duly authorized person, in full, on or before November 30, 2007.
Chairman McCroskey announced that Board Members Nick Castrow and Mark Weiss and P/C Lentgis and R/C Jennerich will serve on the Audit Committee to review club accounts.
The Marina Best Management Practices proposal was brought to the Board for approval. There was discussion as to whether it should be a rule or a policy. The Board in a split decision approved the proposal as a policy. A copy of the final wording is attached and it will be included in the Annual.
Commodore McGillin reported the following: The Annual is about complete and will be mailed early in December. He expressed his thanks and appreciation to Ron Dawson, John Rogers V/C Roberts and R/C Jennerich for their work on the Budget. He reminded us of the forthcoming vote on the AAC bylaw change at the November 28 general meeting.
Reported by R/C Jennerich. The downspout project on the docks is complete. The water pipe on dock 1 will be replaced in December and help will be needed. He expects to have word on the fire vent project by the end of the year. Captain Jim Damery will be making a walk though inspection of the House. There is a new bike rack at the Outstation. Rule changes regarding moorage were proposed by the Moorage Committee. These rule changes were passed unanimously. A copy of these changes as was forwarded the Annual Committee by Moorage Chairman P/C Grimm is attached.
Reported by R/C Jennerich, himself. Planning is underway for a permanent solution to the hill west of the parking lot. Security upgrades are underway.
Reported by R/C Jennerich. A committee will meet during the Friday lunch on the 16th to discus The Emergency Blood Transportation proposal by Captain Bruce Cullen.
Captain Art Mauldin reported there will be a dock inspection around the end of the year and that help will be needed for this inspection.
The next regular board meeting will be December 10, 2007
Respectfully Submitted
John Alving
Board of Trustees Meeting of November 12, 2007
Meeting Date
Meeting Type
Board of Trustees