Board of Trustees Meeting of November 14, 2005

A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held in the Clubhouse on November 14, 2005. All Board Members and Flag Officers were present with the exception of P/C Ewell and Bruce Cullen who were excused.. Also present were P/C Dean Lentgis and Captains Art Mauldin, Bill Packard and Bob Gunderson.

CALL TO ORDER: A quorum being present, Chairman Stone called the meeting to order at 1900 hours.

MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The Minutes of the previous meeting of October 10, 2005 were approved as submitted by email.

MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Captain Ed Jennerich reported there are 30 memberships available and two pending applications.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Farber submitted the annual fiscal year Income and Expense analysis attached as Ex. A. Also attached as Ex. B. is the record of purchases of T-Bills. The last purchase has an interest rate of 3.9%. The interest income has been improved significantly with the purchase of T-Bills. A plan to collect the overdue dues from members was discussed and will be executed . Action against delinquent members will be addressed at the next meeting. R/C McGillin will present an action plan at the next meeting. Michelle has completed the new roster data and the new renumbering of the membership. The new numbers will be presented next month.

PLANNING AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT: Captain Ed Hedges presented the annual Budget and along with Commodore Grimm discussed the contents. Upon motion seconded and carried the Budget was approved by the Board. The Budget is attached as Ex. C. Upon motion seconded and carried the interest income of the Club will be attributed entirely to the contingency reserve fund (CRF) for ease of accounting.

BOARD CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: Chairman Stone reported that the privacy policy has been finalized and sent to the printer for inclusion in the annual.. Changes to the rental policy of the Club House are still under consideration. The subject of the description of the duties of the position Candace occupies is tabled.

COMMODORE’S REPORT: Commodore Grimm reported that the Moorage Rules would be tabled to the next meeting. Captain John Rogers has indicated his willingness to assume the duties of Treasurer and is “in training” under Treasurer Farber.

VICE COMMODORE’S REPORT: V/C Yates called upon Art Mauldin to report on the dock repairs. He reported that the caps were to be delivered within the next 2 weeks and that work would start and focus on Dock 1. The fire vents are scheduled to be started in March 06. The docks at Winslow are believed to be repairable but the transverse dock needs replacing next spring.

REAR COMMODORE’S REPORT: R/C McGillin reported that there will be a work party to do electrical work on two doors. Another work party will have to be formed next spring to do the necessary work on the west end hillside of the Club. Funds have been restored in the federal budget for the Ballard Locks through July of 2006.

OLD BUSINESS: The Clubhouse rental agreement policy change is still under study. The trophy insurance is under study and will be completed when P/C Ewell is back in town. The Seattle Sail and Power Squadron Club is negotiating terms of rental of the Club for its meetings and the meetings held for the public on general seamanship and boat operation.

NEW BUSINESS: Upon motion seconded and carried the request for extension of the period of absence from moorage for boat repairs by Captain Ed Hedges was approved.


ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at approximately 2040 hours.

Respectfully submitted,

David A. Richdale
Secretary pro tem.

Meeting Date
Meeting Type
Board of Trustees