Board of Trustees Meeting of November 8, 2004

A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held in the Clubhouse on November 8, 2004. All Board Members and Flag Officers were present.

CALL TO ORDER: A quorum being present, Chairman Elbon called the meeting to order at 1900 hours.

MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Secretary Richdale read the minutes of the October 11, 2004 Board meeting and the minutes were approved as corrected.

MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Captain Bressler reported two new applications of David Svendsen and Randall Jones. Last year at this time we had 11openings. There have been ten withdrawals and one death and six new members for a total of 28 openings. The lotto winner was announced as Bob Stettner. Captain Bressler and R/C Yates will set the 2005 Lottery rules.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Captain Farber reported and commented upon the Income and Expense Statements contained as Exhibit A hereto. Upon motion seconded and carried, proposed billing rule changes were approved as contained in Exhibit B attached.

PLANNING AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT: Captain Ed Hedges reported that the committee had met on three occasions with meetings over two hours in duration to develop the proposed 2005 budget. The next meeting of the committee will be in the first week of January, 2005.

BOARD CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: Chairman Elbon reported on the signing of the banking resolutions as amended to satisfy the banks.

COMMODORE’S REPORT: Commodore McCroskey reported the special people cruise for December is progressing under the leadership of Captain Andy Grisham. Commendations to Fleet Captains Craig Joyner and Jess Hill for doing a great job on the Club cruises this year.

The outstation pilings have been paid for, the signs are replaced as requested and the caps have been placed upon the pilings.

VICE COMMODORE’S REPORT: V/C Grimm reported that he and representatives of the Seattle Yacht Club are scheduled to meet Wednesday night upcoming with the Seattle Fire Department to discuss the Fire Department’s proposal to require sprinklers for covered moorage. V/C Grimm will present a plan in conjunction with Seattle Yacht Club to approve of the current fire fighting system that is now in effect at our Club. The Seattle Fire Department’s proposed requirements are not based upon any studies that justify the proposal. He will urge that the current existing system at our Club is adequate and that the Seattle Fire Department needs to focus on the response time which appears to be too long. Captain Mike Shannon suggested that cleats should be installed in place of the currently installed rings which would make it much easier to untie a burning vessel and push it out from the dock without having to get aboard the burning vessel to untie the line.

V/C Grimm reported that the security system design is on the verge of being finalized and that Captain Zuvich has designed the doors. A bid from Oregon Safe and Lock will be received in the near future and it is anticipated that the security project will start January 1 and be completed by February 28, 2005.

V/C Grimm also reported on the efforts underway to persuade the Washington State Department of Natural Resources to accept our current survey of the Winslow Outstation. It was reported by Captain Art Mauldin that Engineering Northwest will inspect the roofs and make suggestions for reinforcement and draining.

V/C Grimm further reported on the efforts to investigate and solve the milfoil problem.

V/C Grimm also reported on the 520 project indicating that the adoption of six lanes will result in the heaviest impact on the Club property. He also reported that nothing is expected to happen at all until the meetings scheduled for the spring of 2005. V/C Grimm will prepare a summary on the 520 subject to be published in the Bilge Pump.

REAR COMMODORE’S REPORT: R/C Bob Yates reported upon the need to winterize the grounds. Outstation items include finishing capping the rest of the pilings, replacing foam flotation on some dock sections and improving the light standard at the head of the dock.


NEW BUSINESS: For security purposes, the Club will be locked at 4:00 p.m. for the winter months.

Captain Mike Shannon will investigate potential avenues to increase revenue by increasing the food service activity of the Club..

Upon motion seconded and carried, the Board approved the 2005 budget as presented by Commodore McCroskey and contained in Exhibit C attached.

MEMBERS COMMENTS: Captain Bressler initiated a discussion of the prospect of allowing a certain percentage of the Club members to be admitted without the necessity of the boat ownership requirement. Discussion followed that indicated that such a proposal would require a Bylaws change and therefore was not warranted. Pros and cons were discussed and the matter was tabled for future discussions.

The first work party for necessary work on Dock 2 will be scheduled for December 4, 2004.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at approximately 2100 hours.

Respectfully submitted,

David A. Richdale

Meeting Date
Meeting Type
Board of Trustees