Board of Trustees Meeting of of October 8, 2007

A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held in the clubhouse on October 8, 2007. Those in attendance included board members Commodore Bill McGillin, P/C Bob Yates, Dennis Okamoto, Nick Castrow, Scott Smith, Mark Weiss, and John Alving. Also in attendance were V/C Dale Roberts, R/C Ed Jennerich, Secretary Eric Wood, and Treasurer John Rogers.

Commodore McGillin stated that according to the bylaws if there is no duly elected chairman, the previous chairman should continue as chairman until a new chairman is elected.

Chairman P/C Ewell called the meeting to order at 1900 hours.

A motion was made and seconded that the new chairman would be elected after the vacant board position was filled at the next general meeting. Motion passed.

Approved as read by Secretary Scott Smith

Captain John Alving was elected Secretary for the 2007-2008 year

Captain Chris Benson reported there are twelve candidates for initiation at the general meeting on October 10, 2007. The candidates are as follows:

Virginia H Harris
James VanWagenen
Larry Houk
Stephen Coughlin
Rick Anderson
Ryan Garvie
Kurt Hanson
William Brent Field
Brooke Kimes
Patrick Wilson
Kim Bowden
Douglass Scott

The candidate’s paperwork was in order and signed by the Board. The Board complimented the Membership committee on their good work.

Captain John Rogers reported the following:
There are eleven members qualified as Life Members
Member 001, Francis Demers is deceased and that member 002, Earling Olsen, will now be number 001
The Financial Statement is 99% complete. Highlights:

Income is down approximately $10,000
Expenses are down approximately $19,000
Unspent capital funds have been moved into current budget. They will be kept in the same category as before
After these transfers, there is a net loss of approximately $13,000.

Committee expenses were clarified
Winslow DNR lease and property tax were both under budget
The Balance Sheet is mostly as expected. Funds under “Other Assets” were explained. These are our Capital Improvement funds and are all in good shape. Spend!
Interest rate is down from 5.1% to 4.1% however, interest income is up
$158,000 is invested at a much improved rate of 4.6%
The assessed valuation of the Instation increased to $9,254,000 from $7,242,500
The assessed valuation of Winslow increased to $1,404.000 form $1,221,000
$37,000 will be paid off for bonds of deceased members, which includes $5,000 for Joe Benyon’s note. There will be a random drawing to select the recipients of the remaining $13,000. The board approved repayment of bonds totaling $50,000.
P/C Ewell briefly described the tax preparation procedure

Captain Ron Dawson was elected chairman. New committee member Peter Anderson was elected secretary. The chairman reported that the budget process for 2007-2008 is underway. A draft budget will be presented to the Board in November. The committee recommended that the $50 dues increase not take effect until October 2008.

The board unanimously approved the following appointments:

Captain Ron Dawson - Planning & Finance Chairman
Captain Peter Anderson – Planning & Finance Secretary
Captain Bob Hutnik – Architectural Advisory Committee Chairman
Edward Rollins & Ted Pineda – Honorary Members
Board members Captain Nick Castro & Captain Mark Weiss – Audit Committee The motion on the $50 dues increase was tabled until next year to better access the actual needs
The Treasurer will decide electrical rates for the docks. The policy is that the rates are what City Light charges plus a nominal markup by the club

Commodore McGillin reported the following:

Budgets are being established and function costs are being estimated
All committee positions are filled and the names will be posted
The new insurance policy is being reviewed
A brief summary of the 520 committee was given. The second mediation meeting will be on October 16. Any member with contacts in the boating community send these names to Captain Gary Stone. The committee is trying to establish a broad base of support for our issues at the 520 mediation

Vice Commodore Roberts reported the following:

Captain Randy Garvie will be Docks Chairman with Captain Dave Svendson assisting
The water pipe project on Dock One will be starting soon and the fire hose lengths are being reviewed
Captain Jim Damery will be House Chairman. All is well
The Marina Best Management Practice Document was discussed. All were in agreement that it should be adopted as soon as possible. The general feeling was that it should be a policy and not a rule that would have to be enforced. This will be presented to the Board for final action next meeting
P/C Grimm will be Moorage Committee Chairman. He reported that he will be presenting some policy changes in the moorage rules to the Board for approval. Five new assignments have been made. The “storage boat” problem is being addressed and one such boat owner has been given notice. Copies of current insurance policies and either federal or state registration or documentation must be forwarded to the committee if not already done so. The names on these documents must be that of the member

Rear Commodore Jennerich reported the following:

Captain LaFountaine will continue as Membership Chairman. There are an estimated 40 open slots to be filled with eleven members becoming life members. There have been 100 new members in the past four years
Captain Richard Geving will be Security Chairman. He will be reviewing the system
Captain Linda Roehl will be Grounds Chairman. The west bank has been cleaned up and a permanent solution to this area is being researched. There are some cracks to be filled in the parking lot. Please notice the new shiny dumpsters

The insurance policy for the club is being renewed. There will be a new agency but likely the same carrier. The proposed policy is under review
Captain Bruce Cullen presented “Emergency Response and Calling Procedures” proposal for consideration, attached. It was agreed the proposal has merit but there are many details to work out. Further study is needed

The 2006-2007 Board open action/issues listed in the agenda were mentioned. Most have been resolved. Item f. was clarified in that only the principal would be paid if the issue comes up again. Captain Zuvich questioned as to when the vote on his bylaw change would tale place; Commodore McGillin explained that it would take place the end of November.
Captain Bill Packard brought up that the email privacy statement needs to be reaffirmed by the Board. This was moved and seconded and passed with an amendment stating that members will have to affirm this privacy statement when logging in
Purchase of a boat ground meter was discussed, no action was taken
There will be a special board meeting following the next general meeting to elect the new Board Chairman and to pass three banking resolutions

P/C Lynn Montgomery – noted that by-law 1.01 appears to be incomplete. By-Law Chairman P/C Grimm will review.

Captain Jim Bailey – noted that the minutes of the last meeting omitted his comments stating that he thought it unfair that the mooring members bear the cost of the 520 assessment when it benefits all members. Additionally he commented that spending money to replace perfectly good furniture was not responsible in light of the proposed dues increase. Commodore McGillin assured him that no tables and chairs were being purchased.

Captain Jerry Zuvich – questioned why Pat Rubish’s key was turned off. R/C Jennerich explained that it was done because she is not a member. Captain Bailey recounted the history of Tarette involvement in the club. There was discussion on whether this is a Board or a Bridge matter

Chairman Ewell concluded that it was a Bridge matter and adjourned the meeting at 2103 hours

Captain Dennis Okamoto offered thanks to P/C Ewell for his hard work as Board Chairman and Board Member. This was seconded by all present.

The next regular board meeting will be November 12, 2007

Respectfully submitted,
John Alving

Meeting Date
Meeting Type
Board of Trustees