Board of Trustees Meeting of September 11, 2006

A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held in the Clubhouse on September 11, 2006.  Board Members and Flag Officers present included Chairman Stone, Commodore
Grimm, V/C Yates, Treasurer Captain Farber, P/C McCroskey, P/C Ewell, Captain Richdale and Captain Okamoto.  Others present included Captains Hedges, Jennerich, Rogers, Rutledge and Gary Nelson.

CALL TO ORDER:  With a quorum present, Chairman Stone called the meeting to order at 1900 hours.

MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING:  Because of the length of time that had passed since the last meeting, Chairman Stone requested the minutes to be read aloud.  Captain Okamoto, substituting for Board Secretary Captain Cullen, read the minutes which were then approved as read.

SPECIAL REPORT:  A guest speaker, Mr. Jonathan Dubman, representing was introduced by Commodore Grimm.  Mr. Dubman presented his proposal for the SR520 rebuild.  His plan is called the Pacific Interchange plan and he showed a model of the proposed SR520 routing.  While it would be 8-10% more expensive than the current State plan, it would resolve the traffic congestion on Montlake with a new Union Bay Bridge.
    The presentation was made in order for the Board to decide which rebuild option QCYC should support.  The Board approved a motion to authorize a letter of support for a 4-lane option which would impact the club the least, followed by the 6-lane option proposed by

MEMBERSHIP REPORT:  Captain Jennerich presented 5 new membership applications.  The applicants are David Christensen, Michael Hogan, Thomas Sweeny, Glen Bowser and Linda Roehl.  The Board approved a motion to accept these new members with Roehl and Christensen effective immediately and the rest effective following the October General meeting.  The Board congratulated and thanked Captain Jennerich and his committee for bringing us 31 new members this year, bringing our membership total to 384.

TREASURERS REPORT:  Captain Farber submitted the monthly financial statement (Attachment #1).  Bottom line Net Income  through August 2006 was $88,653 against a budget of $93,535 for an underrun of $4,881.  While Dock Maintenance has exceeded budgeted expenses it has been offset by more than anticipated new members and better than anticipated interest income.  The Capital Budget in total is on target.

PLANNING AND FINANCE COMMITTEE:  Captain Hedges reported that the budget process has begun for the new fiscal year.  He reported that the committee recommends that the new chair of the committee be Captain Bob Gunderson.  The Board moved and approved this recommendation.  Captain Hedges also reported that taking his place on the committee will be Captain Gary Stone.  The Board congratulated Captain Hedges on his outstanding service to this committee and his chairmanship of it.  The Board believes excellent progress has been made in the financial planning and control areas of the club.

BOARD CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  Chairman Stone reported on Insurance renewal, stating that he is assuming our budgeted numbers for the renewal application and that we should have a response from the Insurance Company next week..   He also asked the Board and Bridge to review an organization chart he put together reflecting QCYC’s current by-laws.  It is intended over time to help us more clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each position, including Club and Bar Manager and Ship’s Stores as well as the Facilities Rental Committee.

COMMODORE’S REPORT:  Commodore Grimm reported that the dock painting project was about 2 weeks from completion.  While it is over budget, other categories of the budget will compensate.  Regarding the Port Gamble initiative where we were contacted by the Bremerton Yacht Club for a possible joint lease, it remains in the exploratory stage.  No commitments have been made.  Regarding the milfoil project, it is complete save for a couple of touch ups.

VICE COMMODORE’S REPORT:  Vice Commodore Yates reported that regarding the piling cap project we should be finished this year with 28 caps to go.  He reported that discussions are ongoing regarding the job description for a Facilities Manager.  Regarding the outstation docks repair plan, nothing to report at this time.  V/C Yates then introduced Captain Tim Rutledge who gave a report on the Junior Boating Program.  The finances were healthy and several items were requested in a document which will be addressed by the Bridge.

REAR COMMODORE’S REPORT:  R/C McGillin reported that the Security Gate improvements have been installed.

AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT:   P/C Ewell reported that a thorough review of last years financial records was completed and that no irregularities were found.  The committee thanked Treasurer Farber for complete cooperation and full explanations of all questions asked.  A binder of the review process, exhibits and findings will be available as a guide for next year’s annual financial review.

OLD BUSINESS:  There was discussion to continue to improve the coordination of calendars for consistency and completeness.  It was acknowledged that the Commodore’s calendar was the controlling one.


MEMBERS COMMENTS:  Captain Gary Nelson presented his case for consideration of a disputed moorage assignment.  The Board thanked Captain Nelson for his input and referred the issue for resolution to the Bridge.

ADJOURNMENT:  The meeting was adjourned at 21:45 hours.  The next meeting of the Board will be Monday, October 9, 2006.

Respectfully submitted,

Captain Dennis Okamoto for Secretary, Captain Cullen

Meeting Date
Meeting Type
Board of Trustees