Board of Trustees Meeting of September 13, 2004

A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held in the Clubhouse on September 13, 2004. All Board Members and Flag Officers were present with the exception of Board Chairman Packard who was excused. Captain Marv Elbon assumed the duties as Acting Board Chairman.

CALL TO ORDER: A quorum being present, Acting Chairman Elbon called the meeting to order at 1900 hours.

MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Secretary Stone read the minutes of the June 14, 2004 Board meeting and the minutes of the June 24, 2004 special Board meeting. The June 14 minutes were approved as read. The June 24 minutes were approved as corrected.

MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Captain Bressler reported that 33 new members joined during the year. Of which 28 qualify for the QCYC Membership Lottery. It is estimated the Club will have 10 new openings for next year. Six members will convert to Life Membership and it is expected that 10 will withdraw leaving a total of 26 vacancies. The Club membership includes 6 ½ % women. Captain Bressler proposed and it was moved by Commodore Anhalt and seconded that the Lotto and Free Agent membership programs be continued for next year or until the Club membership reaches 400. A New Member reception was discussed. V/C McCroskey reported that P/C Chmela is working on a plan. Captain Bressler presented and the Board approved applications for Club membership for Laurie Way, John Healy, Ron Hilden, Gerald Fey, Shawn Stich, Paul Bennett and Jeffrey Quinn. These new members will be brought in during the October 13, 2004 general membership meeting. Captain Bressler requested assistance in conducting the Free Agent Membership Lotto drawing at which time 7 Captain’s names will be drawn.

TREASUER’S REPORT: Captain Farber reported: Requested and Commodore Anhalt approved Michelle Bressler’s appointment to the position of Assistant Treasure.

Member information data for the Annual will now flow through the Club then to the annual printers.

The Club financial statements are now in an Excel format. It was decided to post them on QCYC’s Members Only web site.

A comprehensive review of the financial statement along with notes was presented.

A proposal to up date the Club billing rules was presented and discussed by the Board. The changes will be discussed again at the October 2004 Board meeting.

Requested the assistance of a Board member to draw the names of the Captain’s whose bonds will be retired.

PLANNING AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT: Captain Klett reported: Complemented the Treasure for the up-grade to the Club’s financial statements.

Ed Hedges will be the next Chairman of the Committee. New members will be nominated next week.

Captain Al Miller, who recently passed, holds a note in the amount of $37,500. The terms of the note state that the Club will make every effort to retire the note in the event of death. Captain Elbon moved and it was seconded that the note should be retired using $2,500 which had been previously budgeted and $35,000 from the Contingency Reserve Fund. The motion was approved.

Security System Funding - The Club will have $16,000 in the House Capital Fund next year to fund the system. Any additional cost will have to be funded from the Dock’s Capital Fund.

BOARD CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: Acting Board Chairman Elbon reported: Captain Mauldin reported the Instation survey has been completed.

COMMODORE’S REPORT: Commodore Anhalt thanked the members for their support during the past year.

VICE COMMODORE’S REPORT: V/C McCroskey reported: A member requested the use of the Instation for a public event. I accordance with Club by laws the request was denied. A discussion followed about increasing the revenue through use of the upstairs. The Bridge will work the issue.

The puddle in front of Dock #1 has been eliminated.

The cost of the steel pilings for the Outstation has increased 40%. The project is now estimated to cost $40,000.

Correction - The Milfoil application cost $9,000. The original report on costs did not include a second invoice.

Major roof work at the Instation should be anticipated and budgeted. Captain Zuvich will make a separate report.

Broad Band Express service at the Outstation is anticipated this Fall.

REAR COMMODORE’S REPORT - R/C SCOTT GRIMM - Reported: The 520 property survey has been completed. The report reveals that the Club owns an additional 60’ off of Dock #1, less room off of Dock #3 and we own the Weeping Willow tree.

A meeting is scheduled with the State of Washington Department of Transportation in the near future to discuss 520 issues.

Security - Captain Dick Geving described the components and features of the proposed new security system. A discussion followed and a motion was made and seconded that funds for the upgrade of both the Instation and Outstation are included in the 2005 budget. The Security Committee will present a formal proposal to include costs at the October 2004 Board meeting.

A new Moorage Committee takes affect at the change of watch. The old moorage waiting lists have been cleared. To date there 69 members on the new waiting list. Of which 19 either do not have their boats measured or an application on file. Efforts are underway to contact these Captains.

A running list of moorage assignments will be posted along with a bi-monthly update of new assignments.

Captain Jamerson proposed that a moorage over site committee be created to act as an ombudsman. It was decided to wait two months to see how the new system is working. At that time the over site committee recommendation will be re-visited.

Captains Ted Elder and Dan Wilshin were appointed as Fleet Measurers. The by laws will be up dated to include the duties as required by the recent moorage rules changes.


NEW BUSINESS: Captain Zuvich reported that water was accumulating on the 4th roof panel on Dock #1. V/C McCroskey will contact the roofers to install drains. It was decided that the Planning and Finance Committee should review the needs for dock replacement and repair funding.

Captain Ron Dawson requested the Board to take a proposal to the membership which would change the current rules requiring 2/3rds of the members present at a meeting to approve a change to 2/3rds of ballots received from a mailing to the total membership. The Board will discuss the proposal at the October 2004 meeting.

Captain Shannon expressed a concern about the negative nature of a message to Captains about parking two autos in the Instation parking lot.

MEMBER COMMENTS: Captain Bailey applauded the Board action on the security system stating that protecting the Club’s assets is of prime importance.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 2135 hours.

Respectfully submitted,

Gary Stone

Meeting Date
Meeting Type
Board of Trustees