Board of Trustees Minutes of February 19, 2019

Queen City Yacht Club

Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting


February 19, 2019

19:00 – 21:00 hrs.

QCYC Main Station, Third Deck


In Attendance:Captains Gerald Fey, Chair, Barry Rutten, Walt Braithwaite, Doug Wadden, Commodore Mark Reed, P/C Scott Grimm and Rear Commodore Terron Lindholme (voting).



Vice Commodore Sandy Werner, P/C Bill McGillin and Jeff Madera.


The meeting was called to order at 19:03 hrs. by Captain Gerald Fey


  1. Opening Remarks

Chair Fey thanked everyone present for their patience and flexibility given the need to postpone the Board meeting from the previous week due to the snowstorm.


II.Approval of Board Minutes: January 2019

Doug Wadden, board secretary, submitted the minutes of the January 7, 2019 board meeting.

A motion was made by the chair to accept the minutes, which was seconded and approved.


  1. Membership Report:

Treasurer Bob Gundersen presented the report in the absence of Kyle Bixby.

Active membership stands at 384 and the total of all membership categories is 557, which includes 51 Life members and 90 Senior Life.


Two members are eligible to be moved to Senior Life Status and they are:

Dennis Okamoto with an initiation date of 4/21/1993

Steve Swingler with an initiation date of 10/27/1993


There are four memberships pending and there are two new applications proposed for approval. They are:

Lisa and Len Radziwanowicz, sponsored by Sandy Werner and Wendy Redding

            Jim Chevigny, sponsored by Pat Dore and Paul Bennett


V. Treasurers Report:Bob Gundersen

            Treasurer Gundersen presented a financial statement summary (see financial 

attachment) through the end of January with highlights as follows:

  1. Revenue up $168,000 due to January moorage billing
  2. Expenses up $8,000. (see page 1a of attachment)
  3. Net Income of $410,000.
  4. Committee expenses down $2,000.
  5. Winslow revenue up due to moorage billing and overnight stays, with net income of $16,000.
  6. Note was made of the $73,000. Payment that was made for the Bainbridge upgrade. Also, $50,000 additional principle was paid on the Umpqua loan with a balance of $860,000.
  7. Total value of all investments is $1,025,576.19


VI. Committee Reports: 

  1. Planning and Finance: Mark Vanderwall, Chair

                        See under New Business


  1. Moorage Committee:Michele Bedner, Chair


Chair Bedner returned to the proposed language changes regarding the definitions of the terms “Cruising” and “Storage Boats” to be found in Section 3 of the Queen City Moorage Rules. 

These new additions and changes clarify intentions and expectations to sections 3.01.03; 3.01.04 and 3.08.05.

(see attachment)

Board action was taken under New Business


  1. Outstations:Eric Wood


No Report



  1. Insurance:Dean Lentgis, Chair


No Report



  1. Architectural Advisory: Doug Henrickson, Chair


No Report



  1. 520 Update:Tom Johnson / Mark Weiss


No Report



  1. Web Site:Gerald Fey


No Report


  1. By-Laws:


See under New Business




VII. Bridge Report:

  1. Commodore’s Report:Mark Reed


No Report




  1. Vice Commodore’s Report:Sandy Werner


No Report



  1. Rear Commodore’s Report:Terron Lindholme


No Report



VIII. Old Business:


            The pilings replacement project at the Bainbridge Out Station is now complete.



IX. New Business


Action Item

The Board unanimously approved new clarifying language submitted by Moorage Committee Chair Michele Bedner to the rules found under Section 3.01.

After extensive discussion the expanded sections now define the terms “Cruising” and “Storage Boats” as well as the basis for final determination of a mooring members vessel status.

(see attachment)


Planning and Finance Committee Chair Mark Vanderwall presented, for future consideration, proposed by-law changes with regard to membership. These recommendations seek to define when “active” membership is determined, impacting the totals of active versus life members based on the target number of 400. It intends to allow for the annual variations in membership (withdrawals, resignations, deaths and transfers) to be harmonized, taking into account new members at a point in the calendar year when these numbers are more clearly known.


Lastly, By-laws Chair Bill Brunkhorst presented for Board consideration a detailed proposal of recommended revisions to the QCYC By-laws. Addressing language consistency, publication policy, committees, fees and dues, funding and authority, the proposal will be carried into the spring.

Board Chair Fey will seek to assign aspects of the recommendations to committees for review with March, April and May meeting agendas allowing for further discussion.



X. Good and Welfare: 




XI. Adjourned at 20:43 hrs.


Next meeting: March 11, 2019 at 19:00 hrs.

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Meeting Date
Meeting Type
Board of Trustees