Board of Trustees Minutes of March 11, 2019

Queen City Yacht Club

Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting


March 11, 2019

19:00 – 21:00 hrs.

QCYC Main Station, Third Deck


In Attendance:Captains Gerald Fey, Chair, Barry Rutten, Walt Braithwaite, Doug Wadden, Commodore Mark Reed, P/C Scott Grimm, Vice Commodore Sandy Werner, Rear Commodore Terron Lindholme and Jeff Madera.



P/C Bill McGillin


The meeting was called to order at 19:00 hrs. by Captain Gerald Fey


  1. Opening Remarks



II.Approval of Board Minutes: February 2019

Doug Wadden, board secretary, submitted the minutes of the February 19, 2019 board meeting.

A motion was made by the chair to accept the minutes, which was seconded and approved.



  1. Membership Report:Kyle Bixby, Chair


Two membership applications were presented:

Mike and Nere Oswald, sponsored by Christian and Jeanne Dahl and Kyle Bixby

Randy and Lorie Barber, sponsored by Kyle Bixby and Paul Grimm


As of 3/6/2019   (see page 7 of the financial attachment)

Total membership stands at 555 

Active membership stands at 383



V. Treasurers Report:Bob Gundersen


The treasurer summarized the February financial statement (see financial attachment for        details) with highlights as follows:

  1. Revenue was up $1,000.
  2. Combined expenses were up $136,000. Due to taxes paid to both Seattle and Winslow, the publishing costs of the annual and several other electrical, rent and operating expenses.
  3. Net Income was $196,000.
  4. Committee expenses increased by $19,000. (due to the cost of the annual)
  5. Winslow net income was $6,000. after expenses of $9,000.
  6. The capital budget expenditures include the second payment of $73,000. for the piling project for a total of $147,000.
  7. The total value of investments is $1,024,866.39 and exceed the fund balance by $46,000.


Treasurer Gundersen then discussed the issue of late payments and non-payment of dues and fees by members and the time-consuming process of contacting dozens of members to square their accounts. The board explored the problem and possible actions to be considered relative to penalties, late fee increases, moorage privileges and club membership.

Chair Fey asked that the subject be studied further and recommendations brought to the board this spring.



VI. Committee Reports: 

  1. Planning and Finance: Mark Vanderwall, Chair


The chair submitted a proposal from the committee addressing the timing of the determination of membership totals moving from October to January. This would be an effort to more accurately assess the number of new members, withdrawals, deaths and life membership eligibility relative to the target limit of 400 active members as set forth in the By-Laws. Chair Fey asked that the proposal be studied further and that the board would consider it in April.



  1. Moorage Committee:Michele Bedner, Chair


Committee chair Bedner discussed an appeal for an extension of slip vacancy permission by a member facing continuing legal and financial distress.

After an extended discussion of the circumstances and complexities of the case, the board voted to deny the request given past histories and the need to apply club policies in a uniform and equitable manner.



  1. Outstations:Eric Wood


The chair described the progress in facility upgrades to the Salt Spring Island Marina outstation and that they appear to be on schedule for completion In May.


The water has been temporarily turned off on Winslow Dock B while parts are on order to repair freeze overflow valves that have failed.


Two power pedestals were damaged by vessels and had to be replaced, one at vessel owner expense and the second at club expense due to the absence of any self-reporting of the incident.



  1. Insurance:Dean Lentgis, Chair

No report








  1. Architectural Advisory: Doug Henrickson, Chair

No report



  1. 520 Update:Tom Johnson / Mark Weiss


Tom Johnson updated the board on the January 29th meeting of WSDOT with a detailed summary of timelines for RFPs, impact on club property, slip replacements, permitting and likely sequencing of segments of the years long and complex construction project. They have agreed to a site visit in April/May to review dock 3 options.



  1. Web Site:Gerald Fey

No report



  1. By-Laws:

No report



VII. Bridge Report:


  1. Commodore’s Report:Mark Reed

No report



  1. Vice Commodore’s Report:Sandy Werner

Vice Commodore Werner discussed the ongoing review of moorage eligibility qualifying measurements and reported that 17 boats were on incorrect waitlists.

Impacted members have been notified and lists updated.

Additionally, there is a high degree of variability in improvised lines, cleat types, installation differences, and dock alterations impacting safety and durability. There will be a further analysis of individual slips and a review of club rules and policies to determine what changes or corrections should be applied to bring everyone into greater compliance.



  1. Rear Commodore’s Report:Terron Lindholme

No report



VIII. Old Business:


Board chair Fey returned to the proposed revisions to sections of the by-laws that by-law committee chair Bill Brunkhorst submitted for consideration at the February meeting. It was recommended that the board needed to review the document and be prepared to discuss it at the April meeting. Members should take each section and determine if they feel it should be put forward for action, revised or withdrawn, in an effort to focus the discussion in an efficient manner.




IX. New Business




X. Good and Welfare: 




XI. Adjourned at 20:30 hrs.




Next meeting: April 8th at 19:00 hrs.

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Meeting Date
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Board of Trustees