Board of Trustees Minutes of October 7, 2019

Queen City Yacht Club

Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting


October 7, 2019

19:00 – 21:00 hrs.

QCYC Main Station, Third Deck


In Attendance: Captains Gerald Fey, Chair, P/C Mark Reed, Walt Braithwaite, Doug Wadden, P/C Bill McGillin, Commodore Sandy Werner, Doug Genord, Charlie Soffel and Margaret Krows.


Also in attendance and presenting: Treasurer Bob Gundersen, Joyce Carlson, Kyle Bixby, Michelle Bedner, Dean Lentgis and Doug Henrikson.


Excused: Vice Commodore Terron Lindholme


The meeting was called to order at 19:00 hrs. by Captain Gerald Fey


  1. Opening Remarks: Gerald Fey, Chair

Board Chair Fey was unanimously asked and agreed to continue as chair for 20019/20.


That new Board member Doug Genord would conduct the annual audit and new member Charlie Soffel would take over as Secretary of the Board.


Chair Fey presented Jeff Ohlstrom for membership on the Planning and Finance Committee and Doug Henrikson as Chair of the Architectural Advisory Committee.

Both Ohlstrom and Henrikson were unanimously approved for their positions by the Board.


And finally, that the Bank Signature Cards would be updated to include Commodore Sandy Werner, Rear Commodore Margaret Krows, Gerald Fey and Treasurer Joyce Carlson, while removing P/C Mark Reed.



II. Approval of Board Minutes: September 2019

Doug Wadden, board secretary, submitted the minutes of the September 10, 2019 board meeting.

A motion was made by the chair to accept the minutes, which was seconded and approved.


  1. Membership Report: Kyle Bixby, Chair

Applicants for Active Membership:

Vincent and Lacey Ethier, sponsored by Craig Ranta and Kyle Bixby

John C. Kirk and Janet L. Stanford, sponsored by Roger McKinley and Kyle Bixby

And for Intermediate Membership:

Elizabeth Vanderwall, sponsored by Mark and Jamie Vanderwall








V. Treasurers Report: Bob Gundersen

            Treasurer Carlson presented a financial summary (see financial 

attachment) through the end of September with highlights as follows:

  1. Total Revenue of $1,082,000.
  2. Combined Expenses of $549,000
  3. Net Income of $200,000
  4. Committee Expenses of $43,000
  5. Bainbridge Expenses of $71,000
  6. Capital Expenditures of $16,000
  7. Investments Total $899,000
  8. A Balance Sheet (page 4) is now listed that shows:

Cash and Investments total $996,000

Less a Loan Balance of $841,000

Available Cash and Investments (if loan paid off) $182,000


An update on membership is provided on page 7 of the financial statement.


Currently there are a total of 569 members including:


398 Active Members

11 Social Members

20 Intermediate Members

51 Life Members

86 Senior Life




VI. Committee Reports: 

  1. Planning and Finance

No report, but, announced that the committee recommended the adoption of the budget as presented.




  1. Moorage Committee: Michele Bedner, Chair


Chair Bedner reported that 18 letters went out last spring regarding potential storage boat concerns, and that 16 members have satisfied the criteria for “cruising”. The board discussed the responses and exchanges between the two remaining members, the committee chair, and the Commodore and reviewed options depending on the circumstances surrounding vessel use, mitigating factors and future plans.

The Board decided in one instance to issue a notice of intent to terminate and that the action allowed for an appeal or appearance at the December 9, 2019 Board meeting prior to requiring them to vacate their slip within 60 days of the initial notice. In the second case, found the member not in compliance and given that the vessel was up for sale, the Club will move to terminate moorage privileges after six months.



  1. Outstations:






  1. Insurance: Dean Lentgis

Dean gave an overview of the costs and coverage definitions of the current QCYC insurance policy. The rates increased and the annual expense rose from $94,000 to $98,000. An increase in the primary facility deductible may be considered as well as coverage for Liquor Liability. Additionally, the review of and coverage for cyber security will be considered as an upcoming priority.



  1. Architectural Advisory: Doug Hendrikson, Chair

Chair Hendrikson reviewed the committees project interests which include; chair replacement on the third floor, various pieces of furniture on floor two, window shades and the women’s restroom furniture. They request initial funding of $30, 000.


The committee has also been assigned project management responsibility for the replacement of the Winslow Outstation Deck which is currently under design planning and permit review.




  1. 520 Update:






  1. Web Site: Gerald Fey






  1. By-Laws:

It was noted that the vote for By Law changes would be in November with a mailing to members targeted for October 15th.




VII. Bridge Report:

  1. Commodore’s Report: Sandy Werner

The commodore noted that the Roof and Deck projects at the Bainbridge Outstation were moving ahead with further analysis of costs and design in conjunction with the Architectural Advisory Committee.


Also, that 30 members may not be in compliance with club insurance and vessel registration requirements. After further review and a 30-day notice, if they are not in compliance they will have their club access and privileges suspended.







  1. Vice Commodore’s Report:





  1. Rear Commodore’s Report: Margaret Krows

Reported an incident on Dock 1 the previous night of a prowler that was witnessed removing equipment from a boat and that no photo images were available.

Subsequently, a car prowler had entered a vehicle in the lot that was left unlocked.

Also, the future of the Willow tree near the end of the parking lot was a continuing concern… more details were needed.




VIII. Old Business:


The QCYC Budget for the coming year 2019/20 was presented for consideration and the document was unanimously approved with minor alteration to fund titles.

The discussion centered primarily on dedicated expenses and funding procedures.

The budget also contains a needed increase in moorage fee revenue and as a separate voting item the Board approved a 2% fee increase for the coming year, beginning in January 2020.

It was reported by the Chair that a corresponding increase in dues will be discussed in November.

Lastly, it was decided by the Board that an analysis of possible improvements to the budgeting process should be undertaken and that P/C Bill McGillin and Walt Braithwaite would lead that effort.



IX. New Business




X. Good and Welfare:



XI. Adjourned at 21:31 hrs.



Next meeting: November 12, 2019 at 19:00 hrs. (November 11, is Veteran’s Day holiday)

Meeting Date
Meeting Type
Board of Trustees