Board of Trustees Minutes of September 10, 2019

Queen City Yacht Club

Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting


September 10, 2019

19:00 – 21:00 hrs.

QCYC Main Station, Third Deck


In Attendance: Captains Gerald Fey, Chair, Barry Rutten, Walt Braithwaite, Doug Wadden, Commodore Mark Reed, P/C Bill McGillin,Jeff Madera, Vice Commodore Sandy Werner, Rear Commodore Terron Lindholme.


Also in attendance and presenting: Treasurer Bob Gundersen, Joyce Carlson, Kyle Bixby, Mark Vanderwall, Michelle Bedner and Bill Brunkhorst.


Excused: P/C Scott Grimm, 


The meeting was called to order at 19:00 hrs. by Captain Gerald Fey


  1. Opening Remarks: Gerald Fey, Chair

The chair reminded those in attendance that the upcoming September 25th meeting would be the change of watch for the Bridge and Board and that we would be joined by two new members, Doug Genord and Charlie Soffel. They are replacing two outgoing members who had provided tremendous service to the Board and to the Club in varied roles; Barry Rutten and Jeff Madera were thanked for their many contributions to Queen City. This was also the final session for Bob Gundersen as Treasurer and the Chair thanked him for tackling a complex and demanding job which he handled with wit and determination. This was evident in the monthly financial summaries and the oversight of all revenue, expense and investment reports.

Joyce Carlson was then recognized as the new incoming Treasurer and she will be involved later in the meeting as the Board reviews the 2019-2020 budget proposal.


II. Approval of Board Minutes: May 2019

Doug Wadden, board secretary, submitted the minutes of the June 10, 2019 board meeting.

A motion was made by the chair to accept the minutes, which was seconded and approved.


  1. Membership Report: Kyle Bixby, Chair

The paperwork for Mimi Reed was presented for Intermediate membership. She is sponsored by Greg Satoro and Mark Reed.


V. Treasurers Report: Bob Gundersen

            Treasurer Gundersen presented a financial summary (see financial 

attachment) through the end of August with highlights as follows:

  1. Total Revenue of $1,079,436 up 4 K from July
  2. Combined Expenses of $552,000, up 65 K from July
  3. Net Income of $216,000, down 67 K from July
  4. Committee Expenses of $63,000
  5. Bainbridge Expenses of $69,000 
  6. Capital Expenditures of $29.00
  7. Investments Total $902,000 and exceed fund balance by 145 K
  8. A Balance Sheet (page 4) is now listed that shows:

Cash and Investments $1,060,000

Less a Loan Balance of $820,000

Available Cash and Investments are $240,000


An update on membership is provided on page 7 of the financial statement.


Currently there are a total of 568 members including:

399 Active Members

11 Social Members

51 Life Members

86 Senior Life

19 Intermediate



VI. Committee Reports: 

  1. Planning and Finance, Mark Vanderwall, Chair

Noted that the committee was carefully reviewing the proposed annual budget and checking key items.

The Chair presented two action items to the Board for approval; Mark Weiss was proposed as Planning and Finance Committee Chair and Jeff Ohlstrom was nominated for committee membership. Both were unanimously approved.



  1. Moorage Committee: Michele Bedner, Chair

Michelle noted that 17 letters of notice had gone out to members concerning the use and condition of their boats and that 11 had established that they met club standards for cruising and maintenance. Six members remain on the list that is to be resolved by the October meeting. Additionally, there are continuing cases of members that have not provided annual proof of insurance and registration for their vessels.

The lists of compliance concerns are being cross checked for Bridge review and possible action. See Vice Commodore’s report.

.     Currently there are three slip offerings out for acceptance.


  1. Outstations:




  1. Insurance:




  1. Architectural Advisory




  1. 520 Update:




  1. Web Site: Gerald Fey





  1. By-Laws: Bill Brunkhorst, Chair

See new business




VII. Bridge Report:

  1. Commodore’s Report: Mark Reed




  1. Vice Commodore’s Report: Sandy Werner

Vice Commodore Werner, was warmly welcomed back by the Board, and reported that more than 40 members had received letters requesting compliance with proof of vessel registration and mandated levels of insurance. Several instances of no response are being reviewed for possible Bridge action.



  1. Rear Commodore’s Report: Terron Lindholme

Updated the Board that the transition from Comcast to Century Link had proven more complicated and time consuming than anticipated but that the process was moving forward.



VIII. Old Business:




IX. New Business

Commodore Mark Reed presented an overview of highlights and changes for the upcoming 2019 – 2020 Queen City Yacht Club Budget.

First, Joyce Carlson was introduced as the new incoming Club Treasurer, replacing Bob Gundersen, who Gerald Fey had earlier thanked for his terrific work during the past year in what continues to be a detail and time-consuming job.


The Commodore provided an expanded analysis of expenses pertaining to committees and projects, while reviewing revenue streams and potential changes. Dock maintenance, house maintenance, improvement funds, Bainbridge expenses such as a new roof and new deck, standing committees, Club grounds expenses and debt service, along with projected sales and income from multiple sources such as lockers, dues, moorage fees, initiation fees and numerous events were each described in an effort to capture all aspects of Club obligations and direction.


Many topics will be considered for Board action in the coming meetings and months. The potential need for a strategic planning reserve, or possibly a capital asset fund, the question of fee increases and if so how much and how often, are a few examples of proposals under consideration.


The Planning and Finance committee and the Board will further discuss contingency funds and the possible creation of dedicated lines of funding for major long-term projects, what criteria need to be established, how funds are directed and dispersed and under what authority.


Mark Weiss discussed the committee’s analysis of capital projects, their role in establishing priorities and a process for review and funding determinations, along with needed language that would define working criteria.


Lastly, Bill Brunkhorst, chair of by-laws, presented final language and formatting       pertaining to categories of membership as written in Club By-laws.

These are format revisions and do not alter content or the intention of current policy or standing rules. The one small change occurs in an introductory statement and simplifies the organization of membership descriptions as they occur in print. The board will vote to submit this improved document to the membership, as required, for consideration at the earliest possible opportunity.



X. Good and Welfare:



XI. Adjourned at 20:43 hrs.



Next meeting: October 7, 2019 at 19:00 hrs.



Meeting Date
Meeting Type
Board of Trustees