Minutes of Planning and Finance Meeting
December 8, 2022, 6:00pm
Meeting via Zoom Meetings
P&F Committee Members: Chairman P/BC Mark Weiss, Jeff Ohlstrom, P/BC Gerald Fey, Jan Gould, PC Terron Lindholme, Commodore Michele Bedner, Board Chair Roger McKinley
Guests: Vice Commodore Mike Day, Rear Commodore Doug Genord, Treasurer Joyce Carlson.
Excused Absences: PC Terron Lindholme, Commodore Michele Bedner
Opening Comments: Meeting call to order at 6:12pm by Chairman Mark Weiss.
Approval of Minutes: Minutes of November 1 approved as presented.
Commodore’s report: None
Vice Commodore’s report: VC Day reported that the Dock 3 work was underway and currently on time and on-budget. Still awaiting quotes on parking lot damage.
Rear Commodore’s report: RC Genord reported on several small landscape projects, otherwise mostly quiet.
Board Report: Rodger has identified Saturday January 21 for the Board training – Budget 101 and other P&F functions and Treasurer accounting and reporting processes.
Treasurer Report: Treasurer Carlson reported that delinquencies were now in good shape. Highlighted changes to the Banking and other Financial reports.
Old Business:
Reserve Study documents – Mark W noted that documents are complete. Will forward to P&F members. Requested any comments or input from P&F by December 17th.
Investment Committee – Two draft documents provided from Tom Johnson. Investment Policy Statement and Investment Strategy. Mark asked P&F members to review both documents, forward comments and suggestions for discussion at next P&F meeting.
Budget Actions for overspends – P&F to continue to gather more information on the Club’s insurance program. Continue to monitor insurance and other overspends in advance of 2023-24 budget process and discuss need for potential moorage increase before next fiscal year.
Outstation Rate Increase - Mark will forward information assembled by Terron and Eric Wood. Requested that P&F review this information and be prepared to discuss at the January P&F Meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10pm.
Next meeting will be January 3rd at 6:00pm. Zoom meeting