Planning and Finance Meeting Minutes
Tuesday January 2 6:00 PM Zoom Meeting
P&F Committee Members: Chairman P/BC - Mark Weiss, P/BC - Gerald Fey, Jeff Ohlstrom, Jan Gould P/T, Terron Lindholme P/C, Commodore Michael Day, Board Chairman Barry Stolzman
Guests: Treasurer Ray Rebello, Vice Commodore Doug Genord, Rear Commodore Doug Wadden, Joyce Carlson P/T
Excused Absences: Treasurer Ray Rebello, Joyce Carlson P/T
Opening Comments: Planning and Finance Chairman Mark Weiss. – picking up from Dec 6 meeting.
Approval of Minutes: Motioned by Jeff, 2nd by Gerald. Minor corrections made. Approval was unanimous.
Bridge Reports:
-Commodore Michael Day – comments deferred to later discussion on Capital Projects.
-Vice Commodore Doug Genord – investigating higher than normal gas billing. Reviewed actions relating to HVAC maintenance, thermostats, and exhaust fans.
-Rear Commodore Doug Wadden reviewed the upcoming boat show noting increased costs. Further discussion on membership in New Business.
Board Report: Barry Stolzman, Board Chairman reported that the upcoming Board meeting will be Tuesday January 9 to avoid football conflict. (Go Dawgs). Requested the presentation on the 5-year plan and reserve study at that meeting.
Treasurer Report: Ray Rebello: - no report.
Old Business:
- Budget Items from prior years: hopefully finalized in the next few weeks and included with the December fund entries.
- 520 updates-Street End Lease: QCYC is continuing to work with city to finalize. Making progress.
- Reserve study: Mark reviewed the detailed 5-year project plan from the reserve study, noting amounts and timing changes to the projects. After discussion Gerald motioned and Jeff seconded that the reserve study as presented be incorporated into the 5-year plan and be sent to the BOT. Motion passed unanimously.
- Future Budget Funding:
- As the Dec 14 working session did not happen, significant discussion occurred relating to future budget funding options -items discussed included:
- The need for approximately 120,000 per year of additional revenue. Agreed to unanimously.
- Options for increasing revenues – increased dues, moorage. A variety of scenarios were presented and discussed. Discussion tentatively concluded with a proposal to increase dues $150 and moorage 4% for the next two years. Jeff to update the working model and forward to all for additional consideration by P&F and BOT of funding options.
- An annual COLA adjustment to dues. Agreed to unanimously. Requires by-law change and member vote.
- Modification to the timing of payment of annual dues – e.g. annual to quarterly. Would require by-laws change. P&F agreed unanimously this should be defined by the BOT.
- Discussion on how to present the “ask” to BOT and membership.
- The need for approximately 120,000 per year of additional revenue. Agreed to unanimously.
- Mark reviewed the power point slide deck for BOT presentation. Significant time spent on the reserve study and funding proposal per above. Revised slide approved and attached as part of minutes.
- As the Dec 14 working session did not happen, significant discussion occurred relating to future budget funding options -items discussed included:
- 2024/25 Budget Updates: Several items noted for upcoming budget process including reducing number of annuals, roof cleaning, elevator maintenance, and insurance options. Discussions to continue.
New Business:
- ` Membership Promotion: Discussion included:
- RC Wadden updated membership – 360-365 active members.
- Pros and cons of any boat show discount.
- Efficacy of boat show involvement.
- Other possible incentives to increase applications for membership.
- Other year-round activities to encourage membership.
- Discussions to continue.
- RC Wadden updated membership – 360-365 active members.
- Painting proposal: RC Genord reviewed a proposal for painting the docks. The project has not been part of either the 2023-2024 operating or capital budget. Pricing appeared advantageous. Further review is needed before proceeding.
Meeting closed at 8:25.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 6 at 6:00pm Zoom Meeting.