Minutes of Planning & Finance 3/2/2021


Minutes of Planning and Finance Meeting

March 2nd, 2021 6:00 PM

 Meeting held remotely via Zoom Meetings


P&F Committee Members: Chairman P/BC - Mark Weiss, P/BC- Gerald Fey, P/BC- Mark Vanderwall, P/BC- Rick Ashleman, Jeff Ohlstrom, Commodore Terron Lindholme, Vice Commodore Margaret Krows, Rear Commodore Michele Bedner, Treasurer Joyce Carlson, Board Chairman Doug Wadden

Excused absence: None. 

Opening Comments: Meeting called to order at 6:07 pm by Chairman Mark Weiss 

Approval of Minutes: Minutes of February 2nd, 2021 Unanimously approved

Commodores Report: The Commodore reported that there have been no unexpected capital expenses and that everything on track. Also mentioned that the budget planned for a deficit in membership due to COVID but we are actually tracking towards full membership of 400.

Vice Commodores Report: The Vice Commodore reported that the ice machine on the 2nd floor of the main station died and needs to be replaced, this should run between $6000 and $6500. Docks phase one of the pressure washing is complete.

Rear Commodores Report: The Rear Commodore reported that the replacement of the hasps has turned out to be more complicated than expected and is taking longer to complete. 

Board Chair Report: The Board Chair reported that we could have 8-9 new applications. The board is also meeting more frequently and having private sessions. The deck contract for the outstation has been signed and the target completion is set for the beginning of May.

Treasurer Report: The Treasurer reported that Umpqua has notified us that the loan has been paid off and that a new deed will be issued with the Umpqua removed.


Old Business:

Mark Wises reported on the slip moves and that Waterfront Construction will be providing the bid for moving the docks and the state has approved us only getting a single bid for this work.

Reviewed income and expenses for the 2021/2022 budget. Discussion of the electrical surcharge and other line items led the P&F team to schedule a follow-up meeting for the following week.

The Board and Planning & Finance need to plan for a membership dues increase in 2021/2022.

New Business:

Rick Ashlemansuggested that the board considers adding a mechanism to auto adjust the membership dues and tie it to the cost of living.

The P&F Committee should explore the need for and the possibility of removing the minimum electrical charge.

Meeting adjourned at 8:02 pm

Next Meeting: Tuesday, April 6th, 6:00 pm.


Meeting Date
Meeting Type
Planning & Finance