Minutes of the Regular Meeting on January 23, 2008

CALL TO ORDER:  Commodore McGillin called the meeting to order in the Clubhouse at 1935 hours.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Vice-Commodore Roberts led the general membership in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.

SENIOR MEMBER RECOGNITION:  Vice-Commodore Roberts recognized P/C Wes Mauldin as the senior member in attendance.

READING OF THE MINUTES:  Secretary Wood read the minutes of the previous meeting and they were approved as read.

CORRESPONDENCE:  The Secretary read letters of reciprocity from the Orcas Island, Burrard, Sequim Bay, Shelter Bay, and Silver Gate Yacht Clubs.


COMMODORE:  Commodore McGillin reported on successful Officers’ and Past Commodores’ cruises to the Bainbridge Outstation.  He also noted that Captains Bixby and Ranta will preview the new QCYC web site at the first meeting in March.

He highlighted several upcoming events, including:
•    Jan. 26 Martini Madness
•    Feb. 8 Sweetheart’s Dinner
•    Feb. 9 grounds work party

VICE-COMMODORE:  Vice Commodore Roberts reported that the dock inspection program was completed, under Captain Art Mauldin’s guidance, and pointed out to attendees the new gas log in the 3rd level main station fireplace.

REAR-COMMODORE:  Rear Commodore Jennerich reported that the Club would be participating in the Boat Show at the NMTA booth, and that the winter grounds clean-up will be held Feb. 9, under the guidance of Captain Linda Roehl.

TREASURER:  Treasurer John Rogers reported that 278 members participate in RBAW through the Club, discussed reapportioning some of the Club’s funds into higher interest-bearing accounts, and stated that the financials would be on the web site within several weeks.

FLEET CAPTAIN:  Fleet Captain Paul Grimm reported on the February 15-17 Bremerton Heavy Weather Cruise, and the Club’s attempts to regain the “clam gun” prize for the best Entertainment Night skit.

BOARD OF TRUSTEES:  P/C Rich McCroskey summarized several recent Board topics, including funds transfers, Club rental fees, storage needs at the main station, the web site’s use as a communication tool, and capital projects.  He expected all to be posed on the web site soon.


REGATTA  POWER:    Treasurer John Rogers reported that 25 boats participated in the 1st of the Season Race, for which 95 dinners were served on Friday night.

520 COMMITTEE:  Captain Gary Stone reported on the last meeting, were four of the 15 bridge options were discussed.

DOCKS:  Captain Randy Garvie thanked Captain Art Mauldin and P/C Lynn Montgomery for their help getting rid of scrap metal, and Captain Mauldin thanked those who helped with recent dock inspections.

Captain Scott McPhee invited attendees to the Saturday, Jan. 26, 6-10 PM, “Martini Madness” event.

P/C Dave Krows, Opening Day Chairman, discussed planning and key events scheduled for the Opening Day week.  He noted that on March 26 the Seattle Yacht Club representatives will come over to promote the event.

Captain Tom Youngs reported that he is planning a bulk diesel purchase end-June or early-July, and is attempting to do gas also.


NEW BUSINESS:  P/C Bob Yates asked about policy related to access restrictions for spouses of deceased members.  Captain Joanne Martenson suggested a possible new associate/social membership category, and discussed the need for a commercial dishwasher as well as to look at all alternatives for the dock renovation proposed at the Bainbridge Outstation.   The Commodore summarized the processes by which to bring forward these matters for full membership consideration.

RECEPTION: V/C Roberts again recognized P/C Wes Mauldin as the senior member in attendance and Captain Judith Pippen as the junior member in attendance.  50 members were present, and 6 Past Commodores were present and recognized. 

QUARTER POT: Captain Art Mauldin pulled for Friday lunches and quarter pot.  Captains Larry Dubia and Steve Farber won Friday lunches, and Captain Dan Wilshin won the quarter pot.

GOOD AND WELFARE:  Was supplied by Captain Dan Wilshin and P/C Wes Mauldin.

The meeting was adjourned at 2105 hours.

Respectfully Submitted,

Eric Wood

Meeting Date
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting